SEE ALSO: 'Our Blues' actress Jung Eun Hye to tie the knot in May
Gwi creates a rampant scene of carnage right in the palace by turning the booksellers into bloodthirsty vampires. The newly turned vampires proceed to suck the life out of the other hostages. Those poor souls; all they did was sell books. As the massacre was happening before my eyes, I couldn't help but think, "Well, all these innocent people are dying thanks to Yang Sun (YS). And Sung Yeol (SY)." If only SY would grow some balls and face Gwi instead of staying in hiding. Bah, humbug, I say to that stupid Crown Prince Junghyun (CPJ) and his stupid diary! A vampire with mystical powers like SY should have no problem going up against Gwi.
Kya oppar!! You're so dreamy~~
Just as SY was about fall hard for YS, YS is leaving for Tamna Island (present day Jeju Island). YS tries to confront SY about that night when she "dreamt" that she was kissed by the scholar. She didn't even need to ask SY, though, because she has the proof--the leather shoes--right in her home. In the end, she couldn't gather the courage to bring up the kiss, and SY just wore his usual poker face, patronizing the naive bookseller with a curt "So?" Yah, I get that you are a monster, a fiend, a creature unworthy of any pity or empathy blah, blah blah, but you can't just carry that attitude with you forever, man. It's really depressing and makes it hard for anyone to love you. I'm surprised that YS even fell for him, what with his rock-like hard personality and all.
This is my happy face.
Soo Hyang (SH), able to see past SY's poker face and realize that he is in fact devastated about YS's imminent departure, offers to find another way to protect YS. However, SY insists on sending YS to Tamna as planned. It's obvious that SY is running away from his feelings for YS by distancing himself from YS as much as possible. Shhhhhhh. It's okay SY. EMBRACE THE FEELS.
Crown Prince Lee Yoon (CPY) suspects that Gwi was behind the murder of the booksellers but of course, Gwi's puppets in court will never admit to Gwi's heinous acts since doing so will undermine their own interests.
Through a series of fortunate events, SY finds out that CPY is the ever-fleeting 'Lustful Student,' who he has been seeking all this time. SH urges SY to join hands with the crown prince but SY wants to confirm whether CPJ's diary really is in Wae Son's possession. There is no time to sit idly and wonder whether Wae Son has the diary or not. Time is of the utmost essence, and the sooner SY lends his knowledge and power to CPY, the closer they will get to defeating Gwi.
What was I thinking when I bought these shoes.
Guess who has the CPJ's diary? It's YS OWN FATHER. Okay, so I kind of expected this since he was in cahoots with Wae Son this entire time. I suspected that either YS's father or Wae Son would have it. But neither will be coming forward with the diary any time soon especially not YS's father because he wants to protect his daughter.
My face when somebody raids the fridge and eats my ice cream.
Please spare us, we didn't eat your ice cream!
Gwi and SY finally face each other in a one-on-one battle. I was honestly expecting SY to do the five-finger death touch or something and just tip Gwi over with his pinkie. Instead, I saw Gwi practice for the shot-put olympics using SY as his life-size ball. And then we got SH getting all huffy at YS for SY gone missing which doesn't help the situation. Yes, SY was gravely hurt trying to save YS from Gwi but that's not really YS's fault, is it now? Who was the one that asked YS for help in the first place, placing her in danger? Oh yeah, it was SY.
Why you gotta go and make me so constipated~
What will the next episode have in store for Sung Yeol and Yang Sun? There was no preview so I can't say for certain but I'm certain that SY won't die. I mean, come on. This is no 'GoT' where the main characters die off like flies.
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