Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Scholar Who Walks the Night' - Episode 3

Posted by jubilantj182 pts Thursday, July 16, 2015
Changmin, Lee Jun Ki, Lee Yu Bi, Kim So Eun
Hello again, fellow 'Scholar Who Walks the Night (SWWTN)' lovers! We're up to episode 3 of this fantasy-historical-romance-drama series and the plot just keeps getting more and more complicated. 

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If you remember anything from the last episode, there was an impending epic vampire battle just waiting to happen between Gwi and and Kim Sung Yeol (referred to as SY) which, to my great disappointment...never occurred. 

You wanted to see my abs? Well, too bad. Hear me roar instead! 

To avoid getting caught by Gwi who attempted to lure SY out using a bait, SY uses some extreme measure of stabbing Yang Sun (YS) in the left shoulder, smearing an innocent hare with her blood, and plunging into the depths of a lake at the foot of a great waterfall. At least the measure worked as the two managed shake Gwi off their trail. The scholar and book hawker stay under water for what seems like eons, waiting for Gwi to just give up and leave. YS has long since lost her conscious (I mean, she was hurled at a tree, stabbed in the shoulder, and almost drowned...all in one night. I'm still wondering how she survived). At least she got kissed by her senpai! (Twice!) As the romantic scene was progressing, all I could think was, "Thank goodness Lee Jun Ki didn't get Charley Horse." 


Chu again~

Somebody's jealous. 

It's revealed through a flashback that Gwi killed Crown Prince Sadong (CPS) because he somehow got ahold of Crown Prince Junghyun's (CPJ) diary, which holds the secrets to destroying Gwi for good. Gwi tried to weasel out some info from the dying, feeble CPS, but CPS reflects all attempts. Gwi says he destroyed all information in CPJ's diary...then why is he so desperately searching for it? Clearly there is something he missed in there or even if he really did forget to remove some critical secret, he can't rest easy until the diary is wiped off the face of the earth entirely in its entirety. CPS says there is a plan to kill Gwi but was he just taunting Gwi? At this point, I'm just really curious as to how CPS obtained CPJ's diary because if Gwi indeed burned all of CPJ's documents, then how is it possible that the diary even exists? 

Confused? Yeah, me too. 

YS tells SY she obtained the "Vampire Logs" which was written by CPJ over a century ago at a clandestine bookstore. YS catches on that SY is trying to look for CPJ's diary. She tells him that he will escort SY there since the bookstore owner is doing business in secret and doesn't sell to people he doesn't know. During their journey to the bookstore, YS tells SY of her childhood and how she has dressed as male since she was ten. Apparently, there was a big 'accident' and she lost all her memory. The scar from the 'accident' was supposedly caused by a vicious dog bite, which her father disinfected with a burning iron. 

Let my arrow of love pierce you!!! 

Even after scouring the bookstore from top to bottom, SY doesn't find CPJ's diary. YS was walking back by herself in the woods (girl, haven't you learned not to walk alone in the woods again??) when she is tailed by an assassin. SY captures spy and demands to know whom he works for. The spy says he was following Soo Hyang's (SH) orders (I told you that girl was jealous). SH's excuse on setting an assassin loose on YS is that she'll lure Gwi out since he has a hold of her scent. Ummm...that's murder, ya know. when SH asks SY if he has feelings for YS, SY erupts and yells, "Stop!" At his sudden burst of anger, SH sheds crocodile tears and trembles, "You only view my feelings as jealousy?" SY tells SH coldly that the only reason he's keeping her and Ho Jin by his side is so that they can aide him in getting rid of Gwi. Ouch.

I would DIE for you. 

Um, no. Please don't. 

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Lee Yoon (CPY) employs a clever mind game to get the spy who has been tailing him to talk. He tells the spy, you will die anyway, giving him no exit. If he confesses, the people he works for will kill him and if he doesn't CPY will kill him. CPY give spy an ultimatum: tell him the truth and at least his family will be spared. But the people who hired him will show no mercy even for his family. Is this Joseon-style good cop bad cop? In the end, the spy confessed that he was following the Minister Lee Pil Joo's orders. Aw, yeah. Fist of triumph for Changmin, the badass crown prince. 

The minister asked me to hide his dirty tapes in my home, I swear!

Omg his treacherous lies are making me want to puke. 

Another flashback to CPS's last moments, during which we find out that the SY's name was in CPJ's diary. CPS passes right after uttering something about a human being the secret to destroying Gwi. Hmmm..My guess is that we'll have to wait until the very last episodes to find out the mysteries of CPJ's diary and the secret to destroying Gwi.

Kim So Eun returns!! :D

  1. Changmin
  2. Lee Jun Ki
  3. Lee Yu Bi
  4. Kim So Eun
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