The film set for movie 'Pure Love' at an elementary school in Goheung, Jeonnam was unveiled on July 28 with actors EXO's D.O and Kim So Hyun present. The movie centers on a 23-year-old letter that arrives during a radio broadcast, leading to the back and forth between past and present to revisit an affectionate first love and the friendship among five people.
In the movie, D.O stays by the sick Kim So Hyun's side, presenting her with a cassette tape because he is aware of her love for music and wants to express his feelings. Kim So Hyun, meanwhile, wants to become a radio DJ. The two will portray 'Pure Love' in the movie.
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D.O was asked if he had any difficulty portraying the pureness of a first love when he had no experience in the area; he replied, "Still, I'm 23, so I have experienced unrequited love in elementary, middle, and high school. I think my memories from those times are coming out in 'Pure Love.' I think of those times when I look at Kim So Hyun, and as I think of the excitement of having a one-sided crush, I act, so I'm happily filming."
Kim So Hyun said, "I don't have any experience yet, but that is why I tried even more to receive [the feelings] well when I'm acting with D.O without thinking too much about it. D.O portrays the feelings for each moment well and appeals to me well, so rather than feeling burdened by the 'melo' too much, I receive the heart-fluttering feelings I feel on set with innocence and try to portray that."
The cute movie will air in the first half of 2016!
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