What is going on right now...Hatred against Big Bang during their promotional cycle seems to still be going strong for some unknown reason.
Recently, YG Entertainment's choreographer, Japollonia (Mila J), re-posted an Instagram post she found alarming of a girl burning a picture of Taeyang with the words "Die Bigbang!" at the very beginning. Japollonia wrote in response, "It's an insult not only for me but the whole yg Entertainment !! .. People are soooooooo fucking crazy i don't know why they hate bigbang? [sic]." You're not the only one...
It is assumed that the girl is an EXO-L based on the pictures of EXO members on her Instagram, her ID name, and comments on her post, but it is hard to confirm for sure. People are flooding her Instagram to say, "as I see most of us agree that even though every single person has the right to post whatever they want, if it's going to affect other people in bad ways, that's no-no... real fan or not, this is tooooo much, VIPs see these and of course some of us just lose it... I hope the day comes that we can enjoy music we like in peace... Amen [sic]," "Uh wtf is your problem??? Why you hate bigbang so much? Because they won??? Is that why? Wow...," and one even addressed Chanyeol with "your fans! Aren't you proud of them?!?"
Some comments generalizing the entire fandom and even addressing the members of EXO seem a bit unwarranted, but it's understandable that VIPs are upset. What are your thoughts?
SEE ALSO: Former NCT member Taeil indicted for special quasi-rape with accomplices
Tip: Rachel
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