Real? Nope? Just a dream. Shame, isn't it?
Wow. So they teased us with a romance, revealed what was sinister about Dr. Chun, and we realize now what Jae Hee Kwon is up to.
An embarrassed Cho Rim heads home after imagining hugging Moo Gak. Later, she cuts him loose from the drama thing, hoping to maybe put some distance there. And she starts working at Chef Kwon's restaurant. Meanwhile, our suspect Dr. Chun packs up to leave for Senegal, and we find out that he wanted Cho Rim to die when she was hospitalized because his wife needed a transplant. He finds out the handsome chef is the barcode killer and becomes a victim himself. Inspector Kang gets recognition for meritorious service and gets some money to take his team out. At a gambling house, the cops play cards with physical pain as the pot(?!). While there, they find a real gambling operation hidden within its walls (you can't play for real money, apparently). A celebrity's signature that can only be read upside down gives Moo Gak the idea to flip the murder barcodes and he discovers that the barcodes mirror books coming from a single publisher, and each barcode is in sequence...
Some people collect stamps or coins. This guy collects murders. Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.
Didn't I tell you there was something creepy about Jae Hee? I still wondered about the doctor and his apparent interest in Choi Eun Seol and Cho Rim, but now we know. And when he finds out about her connection, he tries to protect her, but ends up pushing up daisies, too. Now, here's my question: will the cops find his body? And what will happen when they do? It's obvious that Dr. Chun will immediately get pulled off the suspect list. And the good doctor was suspect number one.
This episode was again back to the high quality we've been looking for. I wasn't confused, it wasn't uneven, and despite my dislike for Kang, it was fun to watch these Keystone cop clones just having a good time. The sad thing is, I found some things to nitpick (don't hate me!).
What tipped Dr. Chun off that the chef was the murderer
The card game was weird. I don't profess to be an expert on Korean culture by any means (all the research in the world is no substitute for actually living there for a year plus), but why on earth would you let someone flick your forehead or punch you?!? Just over a friendly game of cards! True, they ate well and probably had more than a little soju besides, but sheesh! Use M&M's or coffee beans or bottlecaps or something else! Watching them cringe was pretty funny, though.
Ow! Just...ow!
And why, oh why, does Moo Gak give his sunbae all the credit? He did it with the growing operation (which they amusingly call a "drug cartel" LOL) and this time with the gambling den. He still gets to eat, drink, and be merry with his fellows, and maybe he wants Kang to retire with honor? Shove all the glory Kang's way so the inspector can feel good about his time there? Despite my misgivings about it, that speaks volumes about Moo Gak, and makes him a really, really good guy.
And they left it at a decidedly bad place. Now I'm chomping at the bit for it to be next week already! Or is that definitely a good place because it keeps me watching? I dunno, but I am seriously enjoying the series! Are you guys? Let me know what you think!
Real? Nope? Just a dream. Shame, isn't it?
Wow. So they teased us with a romance, revealed what was sinister about Dr. Chun, and we realize now what Jae Hee Kwon is up to.
An embarrassed Cho Rim heads home after imagining hugging Moo Gak. Later, she cuts him loose from the drama thing, hoping to maybe put some distance there. And she starts working at Chef Kwon's restaurant. Meanwhile, our suspect Dr. Chun packs up to leave for Senegal, and we find out that he wanted Cho Rim to die when she was hospitalized because his wife needed a transplant. He finds out the handsome chef is the barcode killer and becomes a victim himself. Inspector Kang gets recognition for meritorious service and gets some money to take his team out. At a gambling house, the cops play cards with physical pain as the pot(?!). While there, they find a real gambling operation hidden within its walls (you can't play for real money, apparently). A celebrity's signature that can only be read upside down gives Moo Gak the idea to flip the murder barcodes and he discovers that the barcodes mirror books coming from a single publisher, and each barcode is in sequence...
Some people collect stamps or coins. This guy collects murders. Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.
Didn't I tell you there was something creepy about Jae Hee? I still wondered about the doctor and his apparent interest in Choi Eun Seol and Cho Rim, but now we know. And when he finds out about her connection, he tries to protect her, but ends up pushing up daisies, too. Now, here's my question: will the cops find his body? And what will happen when they do? It's obvious that Dr. Chun will immediately get pulled off the suspect list. And the good doctor was suspect number one.
This episode was again back to the high quality we've been looking for. I wasn't confused, it wasn't uneven, and despite my dislike for Kang, it was fun to watch these Keystone cop clones just having a good time. The sad thing is, I found some things to nitpick (don't hate me!).
What tipped Dr. Chun off that the chef was the murderer
The card game was weird. I don't profess to be an expert on Korean culture by any means (all the research in the world is no substitute for actually living there for a year plus), but why on earth would you let someone flick your forehead or punch you?!? Just over a friendly game of cards! True, they ate well and probably had more than a little soju besides, but sheesh! Use M&M's or coffee beans or bottlecaps or something else! Watching them cringe was pretty funny, though.
Ow! Just...ow!
And why, oh why, does Moo Gak give his sunbae all the credit? He did it with the growing operation (which they amusingly call a "drug cartel" LOL) and this time with the gambling den. He still gets to eat, drink, and be merry with his fellows, and maybe he wants Kang to retire with honor? Shove all the glory Kang's way so the inspector can feel good about his time there? Despite my misgivings about it, that speaks volumes about Moo Gak, and makes him a really, really good guy.
And they left it at a decidedly bad place. Now I'm chomping at the bit for it to be next week already! Or is that definitely a good place because it keeps me watching? I dunno, but I am seriously enjoying the series! Are you guys? Let me know what you think!
SEE ALSO: Korean netizens react to Yoon's candid take that STAYC's last two comebacks flopped
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