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Various insiders revealed the news and said that the singer-turned-actor seems to have made up his mind to enlist on the 31st, entering training camp at Gyeonggido. Reportedly, the singer has also notified his allegedly pregnant ex-girlfriend about his upcoming enlistment, but it's not known how the two are sorting out matters out with this piece of news adding to the complicated situation.
His agency, however, came forth to say that although it's true the date has been issued for end of March, Kim Hyun Joong may request a delay. Key East stated, "It's true that the draft notice has been issued. However, due to his various issues, he is considering on postponing his enlistment. We haven't figured it out with him yet. Also, because of his current situation, we were planning on not announcing anything whether we delay it or not. He wants to go as quietly as possible."
If he doesn't delay the enlistment, he'll be enlisting on the same day as Jaejoong, Sungmin, and Choi Jin Hyuk.
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