On the February 25 edition of MBC Everyone's 'Weekly Idol', GOT7's Jackson answered the question on everyone's mind. This episode featured Defconn and Jung Hyung Don's two groups consisting of Big Byung's Jackson, Hyuk, and Sungjae and Chamsonyuh's G.NA, Sohyun, and Youngji.
They had to play the truth game, and Jackson went first. The MCs said, "Have you ever considered 'Roommate's Youngji a woman?" He replied, "No matter what I say, it's going to be judged as a lie." He then admitted, "Yes." Despite his predictions, the detector said his answer was the truth! Time for shippers to start the party. The other participants and MCs teased Jackson for liking Youngji, but the flustered Jackson kept yelling out, "No! We're just close friends now!"
Although he insisted that the first time the two had met, he did see her as a woman but that the longer they work together the more they have become just friends, the MCs and his fellow idols did not listen as they started humming the wedding march and Jung Hyung Don even called out to the paparazzi and 'Dispatch' to catch the two on a date!
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Youngji received the same question. Listening to Jackson, who told her even if she said yes the lie detector would say she was lying, she responded, "Yes, there was once a time I considered Jackson a man," but the lie detector decided she was telling the truth! This resulted in a very ambiguous atmosphere around the two.
Netizens responded with, "Amazing," "Is this how a couple is born?" "Funny," and, "They look good together." Any thoughts?
Check out the segment around the 22:44 mark!
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