Shoo, member of legendary SM girl group S.E.S, made a special guest appearance on the January 20 installment of SBS's 'Roommate' with her adorable twin girls, Ra Hee and Ra Yool. Meeting Sunny at the house, the two reminisced about their first meeting.
Shoo said, "I saw Sunny when she was in the third grade," and asked Sunny if she remembered Shoo back then.
Sunny replied, "Of course. You put a sticker on my glasses. I didn't take the sticker off and went around with it [on my glasses]."
Shoo looked affectionately at Sunny and said, "The Sunny from back then got so big."
In addition, Sunny, Nana, and Lee Kuk Ju danced to S.E.S's past tracks. An excited Shoo could not contain her excitement and jumped right in as her daughters watched this spectacle with bewilderment and awe. Check out their moves above!
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