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During this episode, Lee Seung Gi and Moon Chae Won discussed their different characters featured in 'Today's Love.'
When Lee Seung Gi was asked about his character, who runs around and gets struck by Moon Chae Won's character, Lee Seung Gi shared, "Running was really tiring. After all, it does require physical strength...." He joked, "Getting hit was easy. Moon Chae Won hit me well once." Moon Chae Won added, "I hit him a lot in obscure places like his neck."
Moon Chae Won's character particularly uses a lot of vulgar language throughout the movie. MC Kim Il Joong noted that Moon Chae Won was someone who swore frequently herself as he stated, "You know, Moon Chae Won curses a fair amount."
At this Moon Chae Won replied, "Is there a person who doesn't curse? The difference between cursing and not cursing is actually just cursing a lot versus cursing a little."
When the MC asked if she practiced cursing for her character, Moon Chae Won answered, "Practice? My mouth just remembered," causing the set to laugh at her blunt honesty. Lee Seung Gi then commented, "I don't curse," playfully defying Moon Chae Won's earlier words.
The MC then asked Moon Chae Won, "What curse words do you normally say a lot? Do you [say them] with the window down when you're driving?" Moon Chae Won jokingly replied, "I can't roll down the window. I can't be here if I rolled down my window."
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