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Staff Picks: Best MVs of 2014 (Second Half)

Posted by GhostWriter Thursday, December 25, 2014
EXID, Ji Eun, SISTAR, Soyu, Hyomin, Leo, Lyn, Epik High, Roy Kim, Urban Zakapa, Red Velvet, HI SUHYUN
It's that time of year again!  To look back at the glorious, glorious last six months of awesome K-Pop and then struggle so hard to choose which song and which MV during that time were the absolute best.  So many choices #thestruggleisreal.

Regardless, the choice had to be made and they were--by none other than the staff at allkpop!  Which MV did each staff member choose for the second half of 2014? Check it out below.

SEE ALSO: Staff Picks: Best MVs of 2014 (First Half)

Jenny: VIXX's Leo and LYn's "Blossom Tears"

I had to pick between VIXX's "Error" and this, but the twist and acting in this ultimately won me over. This is the first time we see Leo starring as the lead in an MV, and he's surprisingly good at acting all the emotions out. The MV takes watchers for a wild ride from start to finish, although it gives hints on what's to come throughout the duration. What ultimately won me over was the scene Leo had in which he looks at the bathroom mirror, looking completely normal (and stunning!) albeit a bit psychopathic.

Annie: Soyu x Urban Zakapa's "The Space Between"

I guess I am a sucker for super cute and sweet MVs!  Soyu does it again, this time collaborating with Urban Zakapa for another adorable MV about the heart fluttering moments of a blossoming love.  Not only are Ahn Jae Hyun and Nam Bo Ra super good-looking people but also the MV uses a lot of vivid colors and sweet sets to lift your mood.  Superficial points aside, the storyline is also cute--their packages get switched so their meeting is fated to happen.  D'awww.

Priscilla: Roy Kim's "Home"

Fast forward to the scene at 1:42, which is basically the reason why I chose this MV. This is simply a genuine and heartwarming song that reminds you of what's important in life. Roy Kim and his dog are also so cute together!

Paul: Epik High's "We Fight Ourselves (Karaoke Live)"

Very creative. Instead of the normal music video with lavish productions, you have a subtle music video recorded in a Karaoke room. Reminds me of when I go to NoRaeBang (Karaoke) with some of my friends. Think outside the box. Sometimes, simple is the best approach and it just works here.

Elisa: Red Velvet's "Be Natural"

What I love about this MV is that it's both simple and dynamic. The content is basic, but it still manages to have the illusion of something way more complex and intricate. The pans, zooms, and camerawork in general are well thought out and purposeful, and they give me the impression that it either took a lot of work and planning or genius. In either case, the MV impressed me.

Eric: Ji Eun's "Don't Look at Me Like That"

Full of symbolism that serves the high-concept song well, the SECRET singer released an MV featuring a bevy of edgy imagery including people in masks, herself in chains, and a sneak preview of her then upcoming album -- the mysterious '25' seen briefly in the flames. Eschewing a sexy concept for a more somber one, this video gets my vote for MV of the year.

Jessica: Epik High's "Born Hater"

The setting and the different theme each rapper represents were unique and interesting. Each prop used in the MV had a meaning and it was fun trying to figure each of them out. It was also good seeing rookie rappers such as B.I, Bobby, and Mino included into such a project. 

James: Hyomin's "Nice Body"

All the women in T-ara are amazing, but Hyomin is a bias for me. The dance is cool and the hook is catchy. I don't care what anyone else thinks--Hyomin still looks good in a fat suit.

KG: EXID's "Up & Down"

This MV makes me smile.  The bright colors, the vigorous energy, the random shots. Everything from the settings and the outfits to the props and editing work well together to make an unforgettable MV. Side note: I was a fan of them even before Hani's fancam went viral.

Eunice: SISTAR's "Touch My Body"

SISTAR has always been one of the best when it comes to delivering them sexy visuals for the summer! This MV is colorful, vibrant, and fun. I loved all the poolside, household, and party shots. I dig the white, angelic outfits and random swing during the bridge. And, unlike a lot of people, I actually really liked their half-twerk, butt-shaking dance, which some have likened to how a dog shakes its leg after peeing. The comparison is lawl-worthy and cannot be unseen, but I think the dance is also super fun. Put this song on at any party and hey, I'm totally on-board with doing the dog-pee-shake myself. No shame.

Neefa: HI SUHYUN's "I'm Different"

In a year of fun videos that came out this year HI SUHYUN's is hands down my favorite.  Both Lee Hi and Suhyun feed off each others' charms to exponentially raise the adorableness of the whole MV.  They play off their strengths and awkwardness to hilarious effect. You can't help but smile at their antics when they're chasing after the dashing Bobby. The scene in which he's rapping on the car was a bit misplaced, but who cares when you're looking that delicious? There are so many little nuggets of goodness, and it helps that the song is also great.  No matter how many times I've already watched this MV, I just can't stop; if you haven't seen it... get out from under that rock!

What was your favorite MV of the second half of 2014? You can check out our first half selections here.
  1. EXID
  2. Ji Eun
  4. Soyu
  5. Hyomin
  6. Leo
  7. Lyn
  8. Epik High
  9. Roy Kim
  10. Urban Zakapa
  11. Red Velvet
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