When talking to male guests about their favorite Girl's Day members, actor Choi Tae Joon revealed that he liked Minah because of her adorable appearance. Comedian Yoo Byung Jae also added, "I like everyone but I like Sojin (the most) from Girl's Day. It's not like I don't like it but girls with too much aegyo make me uncomfortable."
And in an effort to save face, Hyeri asked Kangnam who his favorite member was, to which he responded with confidence, "For me, it's Hyeri. But once I saw her laugh, I wasn't so sure anymore. I was shocked because her voice was so loud!"
In addition, Kangnam recalled the time that M.I.B had sat in the economy seats while Girl's Day took business class during a flight to Myanmar for a concert. Hyeri said, "The seats were separated by your debut year. Girl's Day had seniority and half of the Dal Shabet members took business class."
Kangnam also added, "Only the M.I.B [members] took economy seats." The MCs also added that with Girl's Day's current status, they would probably be able to get first class suites.

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