, "I had a lot of fun at 'MAMA' and we'll put on an even cooler show next time. Thanks, ARMY, and thank you so much for waiting for us~ ? Hyung, congratulations on your awards~."
The tweet (at time of writing) has almost 55,000 retweets and almost 51,000 favorites, ranking it as the #1 tweet in Korea of the year. No doubt, the retweets were sparked by many fans because of the well-known fact that they look very simliar, and had many fans hoping that the two of them could take a photo with B.A.P's Daehyunas well to complete the 'family'.
The second most retweeted tweet was by G-Dragonwith almost 53,000 retweets, and the third was by Siwonwith almost 45,000 retweets.
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