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Showcasing a somber MV awash in dark colors of purple, blue, and crimson, Zion.T embodies a sense of sadness in his newest release as he sings the hook, "Let's be happy, and not be in pain."
1theK, previously known as LOEN Music, uploaded the MV with the following description: "[The music video is] a family story that compares his father's path to 'Yanghwa BRDG'. Although this is a personal story of Zion.T, it goes out to everyone, including sons, daughters, fathers and mothers. Like the stories told to best friend, and putting out words from your diaries, all the lyrics in the song can be objects of sympathy. So it is a comfort and happy song for fathers, sons, and all families. Although [Zion. T] doesn't show 'too much' emotions, he shows his feelings in his own way [sic]."
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