On October 14, the SBS building held a press conference for its upcoming comedy drama 'Modern Farmer' when actor Park Min Woo revealed that the cast members were easily injured during filming. He shared, "[The actors] all got injured at least once."
SBS' upcoming comedy drama 'Modern Farmer' is about a four-member rock band called Excellent Souls that decides to move to the countryside. Park Min Woo will be playing the keyboardist, while Hongki will be playing the leading role as the vocalist, guitarist, and leader of the rock band. The first episode will broadcast on October 18.
He proceeded with the details, saying, "Honey Lee got a severe scratch on her forehead, Lee Si Un [broke] his nose twice, Kwak Dong Yeon's arm got dragged across the floor." He added jokingly, "Hongki is scheduled to also get hurt soon."
Park Min Woo had a particular story regarding himself and Hongki to share as he continued, "When we were by the creek, Hongki's elbow flew at me." He said, "My nose bled. [Hongki] justified himself, saying, 'There was a bug in front of me'," revealing just how easily these minor accidents can happen on set.
SBS' upcoming comedy drama 'Modern Farmer' is about a four-member rock band called Excellent Souls that decides to move to the countryside. Park Min Woo will be playing the keyboardist, while Hongki will be playing the leading role as the vocalist, guitarist, and leader of the rock band. The first episode will broadcast on October 18.
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