He started off his series of explosive tweets with, "Everyone, you know I love you, right?". He continued, "My profile photo is of the Japanese athlete Tanaka, who made our ZE:A's Taeheon hurt. I want to hate him a lot.. But I felt again that professionals and amateurs are different. Was it two years ago? I went onto KBS' 'Dream Team' and broke my leg. If I didn't have this metal pin in my leg.."
SEE ALSO: Netizens react to Kim Soo Hyun finally holding a press conference
He added, "Even if I get hit 10 times, break my nose, and fracture my face, I want to at least hit him just once.. But.. I heard that it is his retiring match.. I calm my heart once again today with a sigh.. Anyway, that fighter will not forget his retiring match. He won against Korea's idol group ZE:A and retired cooly. Taeheon's surgery went well and he's now out of the hospital. And now it might be late.. but I send him my applause. Fighter Tanaka, please live happily. I hope you know that your retiring match was not that sweet."
He continued, "I hope you know that loss became a sea of tears for someone and that a lot of people were sacrificed.. Since you are a professional and a man, I hope you know. From now on, I will live like a man. I watched the match and I felt a lot of things.. I spilled a lot of tears, and I think I know what the scent of a man is." He said, "The photo is of the entrance showmanship, and I shouldn't have smiled. Ha... I'm bitter. Today, if you are a fan or just anyone else who watched the match, you will understand.. From now on, since I am a man, I will live my life through my heart."
He added, "Ah, and it would have been nice if while Taeheon was bleeding, I asked Fighter Tanaka to stop because I was the leader, his friend, and a member who loved him and we had a concert the next day.. But this is broadcast, right..? I guess you wanted to air him bleeding more. Since it's broadcast.. Ha." He continued to say, "Would you have still done that if.. Taeheon was, I was, our ZE:A's fans were or the members were the children you gave birth to yourself? Today as always, I spend all night just sighing. Sigh....~~~~~~~~~~".
He then said, "From now on, I will communicate and let all the public know what I have been keeping in my heart, what I saw with my eyes, and the life I felt through my tears. Please follow me, everyone. I especially ask the reporters to follow me.." He added, "I will hint and promise that my SNS will be a place for me to cry out all the unfairness. From now on, I will just live as a human and a man. I will not pass by if I see unjustness. I shouldn't have kept it all in. All that came back to me were useless curses and the depression that trapped me."
He kept tweeting, "There's nothing long to be said. I believe that a true leader, a true owner, a true king, and a sincere person should know how to listen to the cries of his people. I can't be tricky like a fox. But I will live justly like a lion. No, that's just my style, and I won't hide it." He added, "I will show you what a true leader is, what sacrifice is, and I'll show you how tears turn to fury. I'm not joking. From now on, fun things will happen. If my Twitter account gets deleted or muted, you can take that to mean that I am being pressured by that kind of influence. But I'll break it all ^^".
He continued, "Know that sincerity and truth can connect and move hearts.. and also manipulate it. Now, I will ask the world my first question. Star Empire's president Shin Joo Hak, who I really trusted and loved.... Is your conscience clear?" He added, "I cried and asked you.. CEO Shin Joo Hak... I asked you not to cross the line.. You crossed the line that you shouldn't have and now you must deal with it. My lid is open. I have dealt with everything, from hair loss to depression. Be prepared... President, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. All I wanted was a warm word."
He added, "You always said, be a man.. Be a man.. I'll show you what it really means to live as a man. I'm not Jesus, but I'm a child of God, and I'll trust in God and start war." He added, "I even attempted [suicide].. I saw my parents crying tears of blood in front of the family that I loved. President Shin, cry the same tears. Why? It was so unfair, and I was getting so weak and hideous. But I was a man so I decided I'd die before I got even more hideous."
He said, "My fans, my parents, the parents of the 9 members, and everyone in the world. Why do you think CEO Shin Joo Hak raised me as a killer? Now, I'll return it back to you. Be prepared. Starting tomorrow, I will be uploading data. No, I'll explode it. Do you remember when I asked if you were laughing at me?". He added, "I'll let you know how it feels like for that laughter to turn into horror. You called us your children, right? Your sons? Now, let me ask you the first question. All the money that those 9 sons made bleeding and crying... Where did it all go? Reply with your hand on your heart."
He said, "I'll finish here for today.. You said that you were the company's owner and CEO, and yelled at me to respect you, right? I'll respect you... I grit my teeth today as well and I'll stand back. Have a nice day.. CEO.. Why did you do this? I asked... I asked you to please stop." He added, "Ah, and I forgot something. If you threaten or try to buy out the rest of the 8 ZE:A members, I will do the same back to you. I'm prepared to break that as well so stop, president. I'm not going to bear it any longer."
He said, "Those kids... ZE:A.. They're my children. I'm an only child and when I was lonely, they became like brothers to me.. Don't touch them.. They're mine. Don't take anything away from me anymore. I'll become a killer to protect my members and our fans.. God, please help me and listen to my prayers."
He concluded, "From now on, I will fight to protect my people. Lord.. Please forgive me for having bad thoughts and acting badly for a bit.. As much as I believe in you, believe in me.. I will work to clear the blame of the singers who are being unfairly blamed. Amen.."
[UPDATE 1] -- Lee Hoo has now deleted all the tweets that he posted today except two, his first one asking everyone if they know he loves them, and the one about how a king is someone who should know to listen to the cries of his people.
[UPDATE 2] -- Lee Hoo has changed his Twitter profile name to read 'Moon Junyoung and that Lee Hoo', which is a play on words as 'geu lee-hoo' means 'afterwards' or 'after that'. He also posted two tweets, further showing his firm stance against Star Empire and anyone who may try to side with the agency.
He wrote, "Portal sites, I'm disappointed. Don't take down the search term and instead raise up 'Moon Junyoung ZE:A Star Empire corruption CEO Shin Joo Hak' if you have a son like me. There can't be another victim... If you keep doing this, I'm going to reveal the 1st [document] now."
He then sent out a warning to anyone who tries to side with Star Empire, stating, "I'm... requesting.. the moment that others and other agencies take Star Empire's side, I will also open my mouth regarding the corruption of those agencies and reveal documents... Don't get hurt by this.. You shouldn't jump into a war that's not yours. If you can handle it then buy your way out of it with money. You're an expert at that.. This is just the reality."
Regarding the situation, Star Empire has revealed that they are assessing the situation, and when asked if this could be about money issues, the agency denied the speculations and said everyone has been getting paid accordingly.
[UPDATE 3] -- Lee Hoo has deleted the previous tweets, but has added a series of tweets once again.
He said, "Now, not much time is left until the day is over.. It's just that including ZE:A, there can be no more sacrificed.. Why must they be suppressed while doing the music that they love.. The entertainment world is a world where you are a criminal if you don't have money and the winner if you have money." He added, "Sunbaenims, fellow [idols], hoobaes, and for those people who want to sing and dance with dreams that will continue to appear.. I want to show you that only the outside looks flashy, but the inside is really completely empty.. It's not that no one is talking; it's that no one can. What is money that it seals lips.. Reporters, help me."
He added, "But I want to clear all those accusations. Celebrities like us have to do whatever we are told. We can't talk about all the internal things, and we have to swallow it in. I don't want to lose my group, ZE:A.. So I'll strengthen my heart again. Help me..." He continued, "If this situation is buried, I also cannot say that the world you think about is wrong.. Siwan once said, 'We cowardly shut our mouths today as well..', before the standard contract came out. Our contract lasted for 12 years - 10 years, excluding the 2 spent in the army."
He said, "After that, the notification of the contract that we received from the Fair Trade Commission was that the company took 70% and we took 30%. More accurately, we work years and years after the 7:3 division. If we earn 1,000,000 KRW, President Shin Joo Hak takes 700,000 and we take 300,000.... There are 9 of us. We share that 300,000 over and over and over again....". He further explained, "Our contract period is 7 years - 9, including our enlistment. I have been giving Star Empire my entire youth, starting from my teens and now my 20s. Our dorm is lacking so we break our faces going to the bathroom while dozing off, and one week before our 'Aftermath' comeback, I'm sent out to KBS' 'Dream Team' and my leg breaks.."
He added, "Are there politics at the broadcast stations as well? The Dream Team PD told me to come out, and my leg broke so I had to get metal pins, but in the broadcast, I had to say that I hurt myself practicing, right? That's where I'm saying things are wrong. After my surgery, these people came with only one basket of fruit.. But the reality is that [we have to deal with this] to be able to perform on music shows.." He said, "I kept my mouth shut back then too. Then, more than my broken leg, I was worried about the hospital fees.. What is money that it keeps me from saying things I should have said.. I... What we wanted was just a warm word.. But you made me.. us..like this."
He went on to say, "Money is everything in this world. It's even worse as I felt it in this celebrity industry.. And the manipulated mass-com shuts people up and even makes people commit [suicide].. Don't trust it. I hope you definitely realize there is a reason why sweet candy melts quickly." He added, "We are also our parents' precious children, who, as people say, will not cause them pain even if we are put into their eyes. CEOs, reflect on your actions. If you really think we are actually like the children you raise, you could never do that to us."
He concluded, "I go now to settle this with President Shin Joo Hak. Please wait.. And don't remove me from the search terms.."
He has also changed his profile picture to:
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