"Lastly, President Shin Joo Hak who lost everything and was left with empty pockets... I still deplore and hate you but you were our President for 8 years. You were my responsibility and.. that responsibility.. I'll take the shaming from the public and the fans. Myself and President Shin Joo Hak will take the responsibility. The contract has been flipped, we now receive 7 (70%) to every 3 (30%) for the President."
"What I want to say is, with this incident, I know that many other agency presidents are having problems with contracts. I will close my mouth so please fix the problem and treat your artists better. I will make this last request politely. If they can hear my heart .."
"With the heart that we will start fresh from the very beginning.. I ask that you think of it one more time as if this was your child..."
"And to everyone, the fans, the reporters, who helped us.. thank you. Thank you so much for revealing our truth. To everyone reading this... in the name of ZE:A, the singers, the actors, the dancers, the variety people, and in the name of our seniors, friends, juniors and all of the artists... putting ZE:A and my name, Lee Hoo, on the line, I wanted to tell you that we will live bravely."
"I'm not a coward... but I will be quiet for the time being. I will be watching.. To all of the agency presidents and management, take care of your issues, fix your mistakes, apologize and acknowledge them.. what I, what we want is to put down everything and get the hearts of your artists."
"If something like this happens again in the future, this entertainment industry that I know, that I see, that I feel... please keep in mind that I have a weapon that will flip the entire industry on its head. I'm sorry for causing trouble.. and thank you again. Because of you, we found again.. the words of hope, dreams, goals. Thank you and please take care of us."
It looks like there are big changes on the horizon for K-Pop contracts, and especially Star Empire.
What do you think of this big news?
[UPDATE 1] "And there are some people that are misunderstanding.. this is about ZE:A internally. It's not that the ones playing around are splitting the money.. when I got hurt, I didn't receive payment for two years.. zero KRW.. we don't divide the pay. I won't say any more and remain quiet. Thank you."
[UPDATE 2] "The media makes you become a hot issue, and also makes you an idiot in a split second. I didn't show you anything stimulating, so now there's shaming going on.. It's the same. People say, 'He's the same. In the end it's all for money'. I won't pay attention to those kind of statements.. Even when I was young, I didn't get slapped by my father..".
"I was a student who started this because I liked music.. But now the level is that I'm going on, shutting up about getting slapped and keeping it inside.. Everyone, help me stay quiet.. I beg you.. I'm sorry. Now, I call a break to this war and I'll see you next time.. I thank you all sincerely again."
[UPDATE 3] "Yes, that's right. I'll slam the nail into your hearts. Because I was a man, because I was a leader, as the representative of ZE:A, I got slapped by Star Empire's President Shin Joo Hak. It wasn't just once or twice. This kind of strong, stimulating things... I'm human, too, so if I just wanted money, I would have said this from the beginning. Sigh..........."
"Also... Don't curse out the members.. They aren't at fault, and they're good kids who do everything they're told to.. Curse me and curse President Shin Joo Hak. Think again about who did this for who and what.. Please.. If I was at fault, I'll receive the punishment."
"Sorry. And thank you.."
[UPDATE 4] Lee Hoo has deleted most of the above tweets detailing the results of his negotiations.
[UPDATE 5] "Hello, this is ZE:A's Moon Jun Young. First off, I'm sorry for causing trouble today. I just finished talking with the President, and I am very thankful that my feelings were heard. I also express my thanks to the President, who listened to my sincere words and cared for them."
"...I just wanted to get this out in the open; the President getting scolded by the fans and the public. But after the deed is done, I feel... smaller. Look here, everyone... this is just a household spat between myself and the President. Other agencies might be even worse... I don't like that our President is the only one left behind."
"The parts that I've misunderstood.. parts that I've become emotional.. President Shin Joo Hak drew blood because all of the other companies are the same. Since everyone avoids the issue. If they think this is the world and they don't have to worry about tomorrow, they will just move to the sidelines and watch the fight. I'm sure there are many people who flinch at what I've said. Now that I've gotten my company on my side.."
"I will keep fighting, if only for other celebrities. If you're a male agency owner, I think you should be on the same side and protect those you need to. I, and ZE:A, will now protect Star Empire and President Shin Joo Hak. I especially love you all, our ZE:As."
"Our President told me to be patient.. that's why I'm not divulging any data. Told me to leave the other houses alone.. he cried, and he's a person too, and he's a man so that's probably why he told me that. Now when we're all on the same side, we... sigh... I'll be patient. Since our President apologized as the representative.
"Our President, he today really.. he protected us and listened to me. Only we will know what is above this picture. We all cried a lot today and learned that if we speak our true feelings, things will work out. We saw the tears.."
[UPDATE 6] "There are a lot of people who believe that I am only thinking of myself and am receiving money to keep my mouth shut. That is not it. It's just that the tears of a family's father. That was exactly the image of President Shin yesterday, and within a day? No. I exploded after years of fighting and holding it in. Am I avoiding? No. Because it is a brief truce."
"The shocking statement that everyone clearly wanted and liked might not have been sufficiently exciting, but did you see my position in which I needed to shoulder everything to that extent? What I mean is, if you're going to help, help with conviction."
"Why do you only know how to watch fights and to goad on? Why don't you think of watching over the fight next to us like family, why? My friend is getting hit, so how can I do nothing about it? However, there are not many people who'd say with true courage that he would fight instead at that moment."
"To put it bluntly, as everyone is saying, I am arming myself to go fight in a war. Then, could you say with confidence that you would stand by my side to the very end if I carried the gun? I will do so if I see that trust. If you are willing to be on my side, leave your name and phone number as replies on my Twitter rather than as comments on portal sites."
The above messages have since been deleted.
"To the sponsor Lord whom I cannot see and the trust that I can see, if there are people who can confidently support me, then buy my heart."
[Photo: Shin Joo Hak's name and signature.]

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