Dong Soo cautions Young Dal to be careful because if Chairman Go knows his true identity, then so do Yang Ha and Chairman Yoon. Because of Young Dal's performance, Chairman Yoon offers him a villa to live in. Gathering his things from his old place, Young Dal runs into Jung Hee, who tells him her heart aches for him. Chairman Go is incensed that Dong Soo is still alive. He contacts vicious boss Han Myung Jae in Busan to help deal with his problems. Director Hyun continues to plot against Yang Ha, who has been reduced to sales manager. Yang Ha is told that if he makes any further mistakes, he's out. Dong Soo meets with Boss Min and Man Bong, and they continue their plan to take Chairman Go down.
Dong Soo comes to the restaurant where his biological mother is working and is let down. Myung Jae threatens Young Dal, who consults with Boss Min and Man Bong, the latter indicating that the heinous boss will go after those closest to Young Dal. Young Dal finds out his friend Jang Soo is missing in Macau. Meanwhile, Yang Ha receives the envoy from Macau and signs the papers with his father, cutting Young Dal out of the equation entirely. Jung Hee is assaulted by mysterious men, and Yang Ha comes outside just in time to see her stuffed in a black van and taken away.

Myung Jae threatens Young Dal
My take:
I wonder when Jung Hee and Young Dal will get back together. They make a cute couple, but Young Dal keeps pushing her away. I always wonder about that since he wanted to do better for her. I understand he doesn't want her hurt, but it's a little late for that. I wonder what effect her kidnapping will have. I can see a few ideas: A) he pushes her further away to keep her safe; B) he keeps her close to keep her safe; C) she decides she's had enough and leaves; or D) she develops a "my hero" complex and clings to him even more. I can't wait to see where this will go.
Yang Ha has spiraled into depression, the same way he had when we saw him at the beginning of the series, but he's miraculously able to turn it off when needed as he does near the episode. It's odd because throughout the episode, he drinks alone, goes fishing alone, and generally acts a little listless. Then, as he receives inside information from a toadie who's on his side in Daejung Group, he revives. He is fairly haunted by his father's admonitions and still terrified of being tossed out of the family. Shin Hye has already said that he is more of a successor than a son. I just wonder when they will find out that he is the youngest of the trio. Shin Hye has already suggested that he might be, but Dong Soo dismisses the possibility, which I thought was silly. It would be prudent to check out all leads, no matter how tenuous. I still wonder which side Yang Ha will end up on.

Yang Ha, drinking alone
The boss war is heating up. Now we have Man Bong, Chairman Go, Boss Min, and Myung Jae from Busan, plus whatever Boss Min can muster up. What's funny is apparently Chairman Go's criminal holdings used to belong to her husband, which is evidently the source of animosity between them. It's also funny because Go looks like the one under siege here and he acts like it too. He almost acts like he's holed up somewhere and holding off all comers. I personally think he's in deep doo doo no matter what sort of allies he brings in. I love watching the plots develop.
And now we have a new wrinkle in the boss war, Han Myung Jae. The writers spend plenty of time making him seem vicious and infamous, and even Man Bong seems a bit fearful now that he's in play. And someone that can make Man Bong shiver is not someone to be messed with. We haven't really seen much of him in action (other than threatening Young Dal and dragging one of Go's lackeys before him), but I'm guessing he's behind Jung Hee's kidnapping. I'm almost wondering if he's behind Jang Soo's disappearance as well...

Jung Hee is kidnapped by mysterious men
The evolution of the plot gives me even more reasons to watch 'Triangle.' What will happen to Jung Hee? Is Myung Jae as much of a threat as they build him up to be? Is Chairman Go fighting a losing battle? Will Yang Ha ever find out that he is, indeed, Young Dal's brother? Stay tuned with me and find out!
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