Episode Recap:
Director Yoon removes his oxygen mask and promptly dies. Ji Woon confronts his mother and insists on confessing to the hit and run while she tells him that she is guilty of killing Jung Hwa. Of course this news devastates him more than the memory of the hit and run. After collapsing, Soo Wan awakens, blind again because of extreme guilt. Smitten Hye Joo gives a gift to Woon Chan because she likes him. Dong Joo meets with a team of attorneys and learns that Director Yoon left him the director's shares of the hospital in his will in addition to a note asking him to love Soo Wan and protect her from pain as her father could not. Woo Chul checks out of the hospital and visits the Chief of Police. The former detective lets the chief know that he's onto him. Min Soo listens to the 119 call from the night of the hit and run and recognizes Ji Woon's voice. Soo Wan gets a guide dog and tells Dong Joo to go away...
My Thoughts:
Ji Woon's mother is clearly unhinged and takes her role to the limit, screaming and crying and repeating phrases while sobbing. We finally learn what substance she injected into Jung Hwa's I.V. -- a potent neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin. Young Ji was lucky: usually the symptoms appear after a half hour and include diarrhea and vomiting, which would be a dead giveaway (no pun intended), but I digress. While actress Jung Ae Ri has a limited range of facial expressions, she managed to convey through dialogue the thoughts of someone who is a few bandages short of a box.

Soo Wan undergoes tests to see why she is blind.
In a masterful stroke of makjang, Soo Wan is blind again. The writers delight in screwing her up, and this one they pull out that age-old trope once again. At least it wasn't amnesia. That scene made me go "oh come on," not, "oh no!" I don't think they can keep her like that unless they're trying to make everything fall apart like in Stairway to Heaven.
By contrast I really enjoyed the scene in which Dong Joo reads the note Director Yoon wrote him before his death. Despite some of the things he did, he did everything for his children, both Dong Joo and Soo Wan, as he wanted them to be happy. The part where Dong Joo places a beer on his "father's" grave was touching. That part, in contrast with the message of the note, gave me a really warm feeling. I almost get the idea that Dong Joo forgives him despite his faults and, in the end, really misses fishing with him.

"Father, here's your favorite beer."
Woo Chul and Min Soo have gotten so close to the bottom of the hit and run accident, but I'm betting they don't know the whole story! Ji Woon wants to confess, but what is he going to do in light of his mother's divulgence? Is he going to tell the the whole truth even though that means a pretty stiff penalty for his mom? Or will she shut him down to protect their family name?
We're down to the final three episodes. It makes me wonder: did the writers make her blind again because they ran out of ideas to extend it or...? I'm curious to find out how they nab the perpetrators, what will happen to Ji Woon, whether Young Ji is exposed, and whether Dong Joo and Soo Wan end up happy together. I'd love to find out, so stay tuned with me and we can find out together.
In addition, Big Bang's Seungri wrote a thoughtful note to allkpop, thanking the readers for watching his first K-Drama! Make sure you see the drama through and check in for the remaining reviews.

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