SEE ALSO: Kim Soo Hyun to finally speak, will be holding an emergency press conference
On the May 3rd broadcast of KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment Relay', when the reporter asked, "If there's a kiss scene, how do you really prepare for it? Please tell me honestly." Kang Ji Hwan revealed he makes sure to have good breath beforehand, "First off, I don't eat and I always keep mouthwash handy. Fitting with the character, I prepare strawberry, mint or vanilla gum or go with mouthwash or chew the gum and go with that scent."
When asked if he really kisses his counterpart for the scenes, he honestly shared, "I have to really [kiss]... Because I want to do it. Honestly, I don't have to go all out, but in the case when I don't have a girlfriend, the opportunities are rare. But it's for the drama."
When asked, "Is there a female celebrity you're curious about?" He shared he likes to capture photos of pretty celebrities on his phone like any other fan, "More than curiosity, if I see a pretty female celebrity on articles, I capture it. When you get a call, the photo pops up. It gets annoying if I keep getting calls from the same person like my manager and there's times I get frustrated so I captured the scene of Kim Soo Hyun (Claudia Kim, formerly known as Yoo Ri El) on 'Avengers 2' which I saw in an article for my stylist's photo and I also [captured] Krystal and the Jung sisters' airport fashion photo and it is now the photo for my manager's [phone number]."
Join Kang Ji Hwan on his guerilla date through the clip above! Also tune into his new KBS 2TV drama 'Big Man' every Monday and Tuesday!
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