Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Gabdongi' - Episode 6

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Lee Joon, Kim Ji Won, Kim Min Jung, Yoon Sang Hyun


When we left off, Mu Yeom was watching Tae Oh and Maria sitting outside her trailer together. He joins them and addresses Tae Oh, asking him if he has any guesses about Gab Dong's identity. Tae Oh tells them that his guess would be Mu Yeom.

Maria tries to get Tae Oh to leave, but Mu Yeom proposes a test before Tae Oh heads out. Mu Yeom asks him a question: Two sisters go to a funeral, a man at the funeral matches both sisters' ideal type. The older sister kills the younger one. Why? Maria responds that most people's answer would be jealousy. Tae Oh simply smiles, "I know the answer. Shall I tell you?" But the scene shifts before we can hear his answer.

Jurisdiction over the Gab Dong case is given to the province bureau. The detective in charge?  Three guesses...Chul Geon.

Maria looks at Tae Oh's psychopathy test at the hospital: he scored high in lack of empathy and need for stimulation, but scored low for cunning and lying. Obviously Tae Oh's capacity for subterfuge is greater than what the test can measure.

Mu Yeom learns that Tae Oh's father was murdered when our favorite psychopath was 12. Profiler Han explains they couldn't find the murderer, and there was no suspect. Mu Yeom theorizes that perhaps Tae Oh was the killer.

A session with Maria reveals Tae Oh's penchant for lying. What we see onscreen does not match with his story. We see it in flashback: his parents argue over what to do with Tae Oh, his father saying he's a monster. Another flashback shows his father laying in a pool of blood, Tae Oh standing over him and his mother asking him why. Back in the present,Tae Oh tells Maria that it drives him crazy that the killer was never caught. As a child, Tae Oh remembers Mu Yeom telling him that Gab Dong killed his father. We hear Tae Oh's thoughts: "From then on, I wanted to meet him, my hero, Gab Dong."

We see another scene in which Tae Oh threatens a school janitor's son unless he does something for Tae Oh.

The police are briefed on the 4th murder committed by the original Gab Dong. We see it in flashback, and Mu Yeom plays the part of Gab Dong here?! The woman rushes headlong and is ambushed. The woman had a whistle and a milk carton stained with AB-type blood, different from what Gab Dong had been determined as, type B. Was this the same Gab Dong?

Ji Wool chides Mu Yeom for ignoring all 118 of her text messages. She goes to the hospital and tries to get Maria to show her around the asylum, but Maria refuses. Ji Wool notes the whistle around Maria's neck and jealously says that Mu Yeom gave Ji Wool more items, and that he will be helping her with the web toon. Maria asks to see the what Ji Wool has done so far on the comic.

Maria tracks Mu Yeom down and asks about the web toon, but he is confused and doesn't know a thing about it; however, the web toon appears to be one step ahead of the murders. Mu Yeom finds Ji Wool and asks her how she knew about any of this beforehand. She says that someone else told her, and look, Tae Oh appears! It was him who gave her the ideas. Mu Yeom confronts him and asks if he's Gab Dong. Tae Oh laughs at the idea.

After Mu Yeom confers with Chul Geon, Tae Oh calls him and says he's ready to give the answer to the question. Mu Yeom meets him wearing a wire. Tae Oh says that the reason the sister killed her younger sibling was that she and the man met at a funeral, so it stands to reason she would have another opportunity to meet him at another funeral. That's. Creepy.

Mu Yeom searches Maria's trailer for bugs and such, asks point-blank, "Is Tae Oh Gab Dong?" and orders her to stop seeing him.

The police conclude -- erroneously -- that Tae Oh's next target is Maria. Mu Yeom and Chul Geon talk about the plan...We catch snippets about how the plan is risky. Apparently, it also involves Maria as bait, but Mu Yeom gives her a chance to back out.

The next day, police patrols are out in force. They want to be sure to catch Gab Dong. The janitor is observing a teacher and is obviously nervous. Tae Oh calls up Maria and takes her to an amusement park.

The janitor confronts the teacher he was watching and beats her to death with nunchaku. When the cops are notified, they are stymied. This was not the murder they were expecting. The blood-spattered janitor steps onto the railroad tracks and waits for a train to hit him. He doesn't have to wait long. And, since Mu Yeom is tracking Tae Oh, he knows that Tae Oh could not have done it.

Tae Oh calls the asylum, talking to our mysterious inmate about how the Mad Monk will prove him innocent. Mu Yeom surveys the train "accident," and flashes back to when his own father had done the same thing -- run onto the tracks instead of get convicted. Something in Mu Yeom snaps as he grabs his partner's gun and stalks over to Tae Oh's apartment.

Mu Yeom loads his revolver with a single bullet. When Tae Oh emerges, he points the gun at Tae Oh's head, and orders him to reveal the identity of Gab Dong. Tae Oh simply banters with Mu Yeom, as each pull of the trigger brings Tae Oh closer to death. Finally, Mu Yeom says, " Farewell, Gap Dong." "Wait," Tae Oh interjects.


Wow. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the episode. Threatening the janitor to do his bidding was a stroke of genius on Tae Oh's part. It doesn't sound like Mu Yeom was convinced, but unfortunately the police can't do much. If they can prove extortion, that's one thing, but I'm fairly sure Tae Oh was smart enough not to leave clues.

Tae Oh and Maria have a very strange relationship. It seems that Tae Oh is aware of Maria's past and is therefore drawn to her. I'm guessing if it was touched by Gab Dong, then it is sacred to Tae Oh? It's quite a weird dynamic -- it seems to consist of these steps: They hang out together, Tae Oh says something creepy, Maria shudders. At the same time, she seems drawn to him, too, like a moth to a flame. What is this connection, and will she be able to use this rapport to avoid becoming a victim?

The relationship between Ji Wool and  Mu Yeom is cute, too. I like her as a character. It seems Ji Wool has a crush on Mu Yeom, and Mu Yeom either pretends not to notice or is truly dense. Not like I want them together, of course, but the writers don't seem to address this too much. What concerns me is where it all seems to be leading. She has a connection to Tae Oh through her web toon. Mu Yeom has a connection to Tae Oh through his activities. It worries me that she might get caught in the middle and end up being another of Tae Oh's victims.

Speaking of webtoons, I have found a web toon tie-in to 'Gabdongi'! I can't read hangul, so I just looked at the pictures. It's still a fun thing to enhance your 'Gabdongi' viewing experience, though, and being a comics geek, I was happy to find it. Check it out and tell me what you think!

Until next episode, guys!

SEE ALSO: Lee Joon scheduled to appear on SBS-TV's 'JungleBob' season 2

  1. Lee Joon
  2. Kim Ji Won
  3. Kim Min Jung
  4. Yoon Sang Hyun
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