Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Angel Eyes' - Episode 11

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Monday, May 19, 2014
Seungri, Goo Hye Sun, Lee Sang Yoon


The schemes we saw in the last episode are coming to fruition. More things are coming into focus and being explained, and we're closer to a resolution. The people who have committed various sins will get their comeuppance, but at least one of these sinners is fighting back.

Young Ji is now involved in some secretive dealings, and finally reveals her hand.  She tells Dr. Choi to divulge the secret that he has been using to blackmail Director Yoon -- I'm assuming this means disclose this information to other people since she knows already. She gets news from the Chief of Police that the hit and run case is now being investigated by the National Intelligence Service. This is told to her in secret, so the Chief of Police is interested in covering it up as well. He is told to make sure Woo Chul and Min Soo cannot pursue the case. Young Ji menacingly says she will take care of Dong Joo herself.

Always slightly sinister, Young Ji scares me constantly now since I'm never sure what's she's up to. I have a feeling some of it might be a power play designed to remove Director Yoon so that she can assume full directorship of the hospital. She sheds tears with the knowledge of what she has to do and apologizes to an absent Director Yoon. I'm not sure exactly why. Because Dong Joo means so much to him? Or is there something else she has planned?  

Soo Wan and Dong Joo tend to have almost unbearably cute moments. Dong Joo is teased by Ellie because he has not proposed to Soo Wan. At the end, Ellie shoves cake in his face. Soo Wan and Dong Joo agree on a letter exchange: she can read one of his unread letters that he wrote during their time apart, but only if she writes him one. As I stated in my review of the first episode, the devil is in the details. Wholly original plots are rare, and the derivative can be endearing as long as the details grab you.  

Imbued with renewed purpose, disgraced detective Woo Chul continues looking into the hit and run incident. He approaches Young Ji at her home and asks about a car that might have been the one he was searching for. Young Ji is not exactly forthcoming with the information. We know she was somehow involved -- either her ex was driving or her. Min Soo calls up a friend in the National Forensic Service only to discover there's no file on the hit and run. The plot thickens! I'm guessing if the investigating detective were shut down before he could complete his investigation, then maybe he didn't have time to submit any evidence for forensics to analyze. But you'd think that would be one of the first things done. Fortunately for the plot, there are more things that can be figured out today than back then.

Ji Woon goes about his duties, treating the people who were once important in his life like poo. During a lesson on how to determine if an injury involves cerebral infarction, Ji Woon stares at Dong Joo with fire in his eyes. Even afterward, they exchange glances and Ji Woon simply glares at him. When he signs for patient intake, he simply signs the form and gives Soo Wan no emotion at all, no "Hi, how are you?" or anything courteous. Young Ji rides him for his behavior, telling him he's a disappointment and that he needs to pull himself together. I wasn't quite clear on the exchange with his mom as it seems a bit disjointed. Soo Wan's getting married to Dong Joo, so straighten up? Maybe she's telling him to continue his pursuit of Soo Wan and take her back?   

And Director Yoon has his plans for the happy couple. He wants to stay where he is, but arrange for Dong Joo and Soo Wan to go to Boston. He'll arrange for a house there, but they tell the Director they do not want to leave him. He wants them gone because he doesn't want them to find out his complicity in Jung Hwa's death. He has no idea that Young Ji is involved. Primarily, he does not want the kids hurt by the knowledge of what he's done, and so at least he can spare them the pain of knowing. Well, this is what he admits. Dr. Choi taunts Director Yoon with what he knows exactly as Young Ji wants.

Soo Wan receives some strange news from a patient: she has the soul of a deceased person protecting her. Perhaps a reference to Jung Hwa, whose eyes she wears? Since Young Ji knows about the eyes donation, is this the next thing she will reveal to hurt others?

Woon Chan now has a battle on his hands. He blows off Dad-Teacher Day (when fathers go to school and teach the kids about what they do) in favor of doing his job. He promised he would do the school function, so little Jin Mo can't forgive him. Ellie counsels Woon Chan on this, telling him tearfully that sorry can't fix it and that this has been a pattern with him throughout the years. Even presents don't mollify Jin Mo. Welcome to the wonderful world of being a dad, Woon Chan. If you're always working, your kid will pick up on that and think that he doesn't matter. But if you make time for your kid, every moment you spend will be more precious than anything.

After being teased by Ellie about it, Dong Joo decides it's time he proposed - with Jung Hwa's ring.  I wonder how long he spent making that decision. It might have been fairly easy as he's proposing to Soo Wan - it's an artifact that means a great deal to the both of them. At the start of the episode, Dong Joo seems more resigned to it than eager, but the sweetness of this scene makes up for that.

How is Young Ji tied to the hit and run incident? Was she in the car or driving? And what exactly does she have planned? I think using Dr. Choi is a risky endeavor at best since he was already running a scam with Director Yoon. When we see him poring over files, you can almost see the gears turning in his head about how best to take advantage of this. Are Woo Chul and Min Soo in danger? I have more questions than answers. I guess you'll have to bear with me the same way until the next episode.  

SEE ALSO: Seungri’s 2019 dance video goes viral again—netizens react coldly

  1. Seungri
  2. Goo Hye Sun
  3. Lee Sang Yoon
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