Heechul recently posed for 'CeCi' magazine's China issue and sat down for an interview in which he talked about relationships and aging.
He said, "I quit going on blind dates. I wondered if I were meeting people too comfortably because I was a celebrity. That was not courteous to the other party, either. Through 'We Got Married - Global Edition,' I am reflecting on my past relationships in which I failed to treat them well. I am learning new things through and through while on the program."
Heechul continued, "I don't know if people think I regard relationships thoughtlessly or easily because I'm the honest type, but there is a reason for there being a lot of people by my side. I put stress on basic courtesy like keeping a secret forever. I am grateful that there are a lot of friends who trust me.
In the past, I wanted to win the affections of everybody and wondered what I had to do in order for a person to like me. However, people grow old and with that passage of time, their personalities change. Unlike before, my personality has become more rounded and crafty. You can't negate aging, but I wish I would age gracefully and at the slowest rate. I'm not just talking about my outer but also my inner self."
Check out the full pictorial here!

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