Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sunny, Jessica, and Yuri appeared on the March 12 installment of MBC's 'Radio Star' for a fun and honest discussion.
Kim Gu Ra at one point asked them which Super Junior members they were close with in order to figure out their type. After just a brief second of thought, Taeyeon chose Heechul. Tiffany had a harder time choosing, but Kyuhyun helped her by saying she was close to Siwon, with which she readily agreed.
Laughing, Sunny then chose Kyuhyun, causing the 'Radio Star' cast members to tease him on the show by saying she seemed to have picked very reluctantly. Kyuhyun told her, "Don't say that with your hand shaking!"
Jessica and Yuri, on the other hand, said there really was no one in Super Junior who matched their type.
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