However, most of the changes were very slight, and many viewers seem to think that the choreography is still over the way-too-sexy line, especially for music shows that are only rated for 12+ audiences.
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Rainbow BLAXX altered the part of their choreography where the girls swipe the legs in the air as they're sitting on the stage. Instead of their leg tracing a long (and admittedly very sexy) arc, the girls instead sit cross-legged and just twist their body in the other direction.
Dal Shabet's choreography change is barely noticeable unless you know what you're looking for. Instead of their hands being at the side of their chests during the chorus, the girls move it to the front.
AOA probably had the most noticeable changes to their choreography. First of all, the girls don't unzip their skirts - they start with it already up. They also got rid of the choreography that has the girls' brushing one another's rear, and most noticeably, the girls don't lie down on stage, either.
Girl's Day's stage is also noticeable. Instead of their cat dance in the beginning, the girls turned it down a notch, stay kneeling instead of dropping to their hands and knees on the floor. During their 'teasing' dance, the girls don't open up their skirts like they used to. The feather dance was also altered so instead of the girls' stroking the feather down their legs, the girls reach down in one swoop and bring their hand back in a wide arc.
Which one was your favorite altered dance? Do you think some of the groups should have kept their old choreography, or do you like the new dances better?
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