Park Shin Hye attended the opening of a 'Miu Miu' flagship store in Hong Kong on January 8. Shortly after the event, multiple media outlets began to upload a picture of the beautiful actress at the event with a Weibo watermark, leading people to believe the actress uploaded it onto her own account. The picture garnered a lot of attention because she was wearing a dress with a low V-cut showcasing her glamorous figure.
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Park Shin Hye wrote two comments recently to address this picture. She wrote, "Ha ha ha... To think that I get to hear I am glamorous because of the shadow and my hair.. Should I laugh or should I cry?", saying that the shadow of her hair had helped make her figure appear more glamorous.
She then tweeted "It's not a picture from my Weibo.. There is no such picture on my Weibo, none!!"
Netizens responded to her tweets with, "Park Shin Hye's explanation is cute," "I was so surprised when I saw Park Shin Hye's glamorous picture," "I don't think it's the effect of the shadow," and more.
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