On January 1, a new episode of SBS's 'One Night of TV Entertainment' covered the striking resemblance between actor Lee Jong Suk and After School's Nana. A picture of them made up the same way with dark eyebrows and short black hair was revealed on screen to show their similar eyes, thin lips, and prominent chin.
The show even revealed that the two celebrities had the same birthday, September 14, and the same blood type, A. To get Nana's opinion on the matter, the MC visited her and showed the same picture, asking if it was a family photo.
Nana laughed and said, "I have an older twin brother," and then revealed they went to the same hair salon. Whenever they sat there getting make up done together, Nana would always be surprised by their similarities. She pointed out that an especially intriguing aspect was that they even had the same beauty mark right by their eye! While Lee Jong Suk had it by his right eye, she had it by her left almost as if they are mirror images.
Nana said, "Even the make up artists were surprised by how closely we resembled each other." One of the make up artists said in her interview, "They are so similar to the point I thought they shared the same parents and that it would be really fun if we did a photo shoot of them as if they were fraternal twins."
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That is how the two of them took part in a doppelganger themed photo shoot and you can see their striking similarity in the picture above. Do you think they look alike?
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