According to rumors in the entertainment world on December 6, Girls' Generation will be making a comeback early next year with a masculine concept. They have supposedly decided on the title song in their new album and have begun filming the music video on December 6. It appears they have started preparing for a full-scale comeback! It will be the girls' first Korean comeback in a year since "I Got a Boy."
Currently, the comeback date is scheduled for some time around January of next year; meanwhile, they are still tuning up other details.
So far, Girls' Generation have done a variety of genres and concepts, such as innocent, lively, and even tough girls' hip hop. Interestingly, the concept for their new song will be mannish! People are looking forward to this new masculine charm as Girls' Generation never failed to challenge themselves with new concepts.
Stay tuned at allkpop for more information and possible confirmation!
Tip: Len
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