The scruffy beard has always been a part of rapper Defconn's personality, but in light of his new gig as a permanent cast member for KBS's '1 Night 2 Days', he was forced to go back to his non-mustached roots!
Together as a team with fellow cast members Cha Tae Hyun and Jung Joon Young, the three of them were given the opportunity to move up to a better class of transportation - if one of them would willingly go through a style makeover. Although Defconn tried to get out of the mission, Cha Tae Hyun couldn't change his hairstyle due to a movie filming and Jung Joon Young gave the excuse of a new album concept, leaving the rapper out in the cold.
The new, facial hair-free Defconn was a shock to his fellow cast, commenting that he looked like he was in elementary school again.
Check out the full episode below!
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