Girl group A Pink was one of the guests on 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketcbook' on December 27. On this day, they were asked about what type of guys they liked. Yoo Hee Yeol read traits off his card and the girls raised their hand if they liked that characteristic.
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One thing Yoo Hee Yeol said was, "When he pets your head with a big hand." The girls all raised their hands, saying, "Even if I were not acquainted with that person, I think I would still be happy."
Next, Yoo Hee Yeol said, "When a man talks about the future sincerely." Again, all members raised their hands. Lastly, he said, "When he is good looking and nothing else is necessary."
To everyone's amusement, Bomi and Eunji raised their hands. While Bomi could not help but laugh, Eunji looked proud and unashamed. She said matter-of-factly, "He's good looking, so it would be a lie to say I'm not looking his way." Who could argue with that?
In the end, Yoo Hee Yeol addressed his special audience members as all 1,200 of them were single men. He advised, "So when you meet a girl, just pet her head and talk about the future."
Do you think that would work on you?
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