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[Spoilers!] Heirs Ep. 1: The Five Biggest Lies

Posted by contagion1 pt Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Lee Min Ho

Secrets and lies are mainstays of most K-Dramas, and the characters of 'Heirs' wasted absolutely no time in getting us off to a decietful start- seems like everybody's got something to hide! Let's take a look at the five biggest fibs of episode one.

SEE ALSO: Lee Min Ho announces 'MINHOVERSE' Asia Fan Meeting Tour, ticket sales begin

5. Han Ki Ae doesn't drink.

This one is number five because we only briefly touch on it, but it's definitely setting up for something. Mrs. Han (played by Kim Sung Ryung) is having dinner alone when her stepson, Kim Won (Choi Jin Hyuk) arrives at home. She hurries to hide her wine glass (it's the housekeeper who thinks to dump the wine in Mrs. Han's soup and hide the glass under her own apron). We don't know why she's in such a hurry to hide her glass of wine with dinner- though the fact that she orders and entire bottle of the wine be sent up to her room after Won is gone implies that there may be a drinking problem at play here.

4. Yoon Rachel was greeted by Kim Tan at the airport and he was happy to see her.

Rachel (Kim Ji Won) is in some kind of arranged engagement with Kim Tan (Lee Min Ho). While Tan doesn't seem to care about this engagement (more on that later) it's not clear how Rachel feels about it. What is clear when she lands, however, is that she wants people back home to think that everything is peachy-keen between her and Tan. Despite the fact that she's standing around by herself at the airport with no Tan in sight, she tells her mother over the phone that Tan met her at the airport and that he thinks she's gotten prettier.

3. Kim Tan doesn't care about his engagement.

Kim Tan likes to make people think he's lazy. He's too lazy to celebrate his one-year engagement anniversary, he's too lazy to hate anyone, he's too lazy for anything. When it comes to this engagement, however, there is no way that he is just too chill to care. He said early on that he decided to be a rebel like his half-brother Won suggested when the family exiled Tan to California, and it seems like being cold toward Rachel is a calculated move of rebellion on his part.

On its own, this point probably would have been low on the list- rebel son rebels. Big whoop. But in light of what Young Do (Kim Woo Bin) told Rachel about marriages being all about acquisitions and mergers, it's possible that Tan has a plan up his sleeve. Tan makes a point of saying that his biggest rebellion against his brother is thinking, and he's had a lot of time alone to think. It'll be interesting to find out his reasoning behind ignoring Rachel.

2. Eun Seok/Stella is going to school in California and is getting married soon.

Unless living with your cheating, abusive, drunkard boyfriend who laughs when the idea of marrying you is brought up and waitressing at a cafe where patrons stick your tips in your bra counts as going to school and getting married, Eun Seok (Yoon Jin Seo) has a lot of explaining to do. This one ranks pretty high as it's a major catalyst for Eun Sang's story and we probably wouldn't have much of a drama with out Eun Seok's lies.

1. Eun Sang is only visiting the US.

Since 'Heirs' is all about the lives of people entangled in the corruption of the business world, it's no surprise that most of our characters have dark sides, ulterior motives, or at the very least have a chip on their shoulders. We've only met two entirely benevolent characters so far in the story- one being Eun Sang's best friend Chan Young (CNBLUE's Minhyuk), and the other being Eun Sang's mother, Park Hee Nam (Kim Mi Kyung). While Eun Sang does love her mother and appreciate the things she does (which we see when Eun Sang cries while reading through her mother's work notes), she still lies about her intentions in going to America, telling her mom that she intends to come back after Eun Seok's wedding when she actually plans to stay in the US and try to turn her life of poverty around. This lie is the only one that has the potential to hurt someone who clearly didn't do anything to deserve it, which is why it takes the top spot.

I don't like to judge a drama by its first episode, but so far I like the set up of 'Heirs'. I love that Eun Sang is smart and resourceful and can take care of herself, and I love that she's not a perfect character- did you see her chastize her mute mother for using sign language in public? That's a pretty jerk-ish move from our main character. The character lines in this drama are all tangled up, but the reveals make sense and things haven't been too complicated to follow. The cast is huge and it's going to take a while to get through all the proper introductions and exposition (three of the seven heirs haven't even been introduced yet), but the first episode was well-paced and had a palateable info-dump-to-plot ratio.

I'll be back later this week with another top five for 'Heirs' episode 2, so stay tuned! In the mean time, you can check out the first episode at Drama Fever and tell me what you thought of all our lying characters in the comments!

  1. Lee Min Ho
  2. HEIRS
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