Gong Hyun Joo's label confirmed the news stating, "When we checked, we were told that they have been dating for 6-7 months." Lee Sang Yup's label also confirmed, "They're dating. They've known each other while, but they started dating recently."
They've went on dates to musicals and enjoy spending time together at a small cafe. They first met as sunbae-hoobae, and recently got close to start dating.
Lee Sang Yup also posted, "I think you all saw the article. I was really surprised, but I felt apologetic to all of you. I'm sorry that you had to find out through an article, even though you should have known first as people who loved and cared for me. I always thought, 'I'll tell them someday', but my laziness gave you this disappointment. I'm going to work hard by thinking of how sorry I feel on not thinking of you first. I'll be even better and come back with better news. Good night."
Congratulations to the new couple!
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