The release of EXO's drama version music video for "Wolf" only took six and a half weeks, but hey, who's counting complaining?
The rookie group has been exceptional, if anything - both in terms of album sales and live performances. And in keeping with the much-deserved fruits of labor these boys have been enjoying this summer, the drama version MV is exactly as good as what we expected it to be.
EXO's "Wolf" MV was impressive, albeit short (3:38, only?!) Regardless, just as anything else can get warped every which way when taken out of context, so some captured stills from the "Wolf" drama version MV can also be subject to alternative interpretations.
Disclaimer: this is indeed an SM Entertainment-produced MV. Do not let the absence of box sets fool you into thinking otherwise.

*Tickle, tickle tickle*
"Holy crap, guys. I told you I didn't steal your nasty cookies."

"Luhan, I love this shirt - such a crisp collar. Where'd you get it...?"
" was a limited edition."

11 genetically perfect boys walking you to your bus stop at night? This girl must have saved a country and a couple million people in her previous life.
Nope, that's not sketchy at all.

I wouldn't know, but apparently, being kicked down there induces inexplicable pain for men. Arguably, it might even be comparable to a woman giving birth - though I wouldn't know how that feels either.

But look at his face. It's just giggles all around for this trooper.

There's never a wrong time to gaze intensely into the camera when you look like this.

"Omg, I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much."

*Sniff, sniff* "Ew, something smells like cheese."

Such a sassy kick.

If I were being chased by a group of masked men, I don't think I'd have the time or leisure to be jumping over cement blocks and cartwheeling off walls. I'd probably be running like hell.

Luhan doesn't think so...
...he flies...

...nicely executed, Luhan.

Hysteric sobbing, frantic air-gulping
"Why, SM?!"
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