Special Features

K-Pop Girl Crushes

Posted by gracelim3 pts Thursday, July 25, 2013
2NE1, Park Bom, After School, Nana, Brown Eyed Girls, Ga In, SECRET, Hyosung, SISTAR, Bora, Girls

As much as I'd like to think I'm past all the raging lust of my adolescence, I've humbly come to understand that I'm just as, if not more, hormonally unstable today than I ever imagined I would be. Adding fuel to the flame here, I hail from possibly the world's most dangerous place for a young woman with a particular vulnerability for good looks. 

You may have heard of such a place - it's a mystical land that exports nothing short of impeccably bronzed six-packs, perfectly positioned hair strands, and tear-inducing jawlines that truly make your self-esteem take a turn for the worse. 

That's right, guys - I'm a devout fangirl who pledges her allegiance to the fabled K-pop stratosphere with all her heart. But in the presence of all the near-perfect men in the industry, it can be so easy to forget the stunning women who carry half the K-pop weight on their shoulders. 

So momentarily, we're going to bid adieu to the fine men of K-pop and talk about the ladies, which, truthfully, doesn't happen nearly enough.

But before we commence with the onslaught of my treasured girl crushes, you might be wondering - "Wait, what exactly is a girl crush?" 

Fair question, friends. Let me clarify.

A girl crush is more of a sociopolitical trend than anything else. Putting it into context, male biases, at least for me, are something of a completely different league. I mean, men like T.O.P, Wooyoung, and Daehyun are what get me out of bed in the morning. Watching videos of their performances, or catching glimpses of their faces as I half-dazedly glance at my phone wallpaper makes life a bit rosier - a happier place, if you will. 

Sure, the chances of my dying old and alone with nothing to show for myself but a few dozen cats have exponentially increased because of how high these men have raised my standards, but they make me happy, so please... let me be. 

Girl crushes, however, make me giddy in a different way. For a girl to say she's crushing on another girl is an entirely harmless gesture - it simply implies that a particular female has a set of qualities that she envies. It's an innocent crush born out of admiration as opposed to lust. 

Now K-pop is chock full of flawless women who lure in the hearts of both men and women alike. Here are the ladies whom I would most likely recruit into my gang of sexy femme bots:


This girl is just so damn likable in everything she does - whether it be rapping, dancing or getting down and dirty playing sports. She exudes a tomboy image that would have me dying to get her digits if I were a guy (well, not that I'm not dying to get her number with my current gender status... you know, with my estrogen and all). There's always a casual vibe about her that's so rare to come by given the high-wired hysteria of the entertainment industry. 

Ga In

Ga In had me reeling from the moment she started hypnotically shaking her pelvic area as though she were brought into this world for the sole purpose of shaking her pelvic area. She carries with her an entrancing sexiness that can't be taught by any means. Because very nearly being a sex icon is seldom enough, this girl also has the husky voice and arresting monolids (which thankfully, she didn't tamper with) to match. Some girls are just born with it, I swear.  


I don't think there's anyone in the industry who can pull off blonde quite as remarkably as Nana can. Hell, I don't think there's anyone in the industry who can pull off I-already-know-I'm-hot-and-I-don't-need-you-to-tell-me-how-stunning-I-am quite as well as Nana can. Her lengthy limbs and structured face make her a standout in just about everything she does, wherever she may be. She's hot - isn't that reason enough?   


I'll be honest - when Girls' Generation first debuted, my eyes didn't immediately find themselves fixated on Seohyun. And while we're on the honesty train, my eyes never seemed to linger on Seohyun for more than a few minutes at a time well after their debut. I don't particularly remember when it was that I started seeing her as a real powerhouse. Even so, with each passing year, this girl seems to be maturing with a type of elegance that hardly makes it seem like she's aging at all. Her sweet vocals and closely-set doe-eyes make my girl crush all the more unwieldy and unreasonable.  


Hyosung is a bit of a different story. She stands out because she's not a carbon copy of what K-pop expects from its women in terms of appearance. She possesses neither exquisite beauty nor a stick thin body, which, ironically, makes her more memorable. What she does have, though, is a rare kind of energy and confidence that helps her to hold her own in an industry brimming with female idols who may very well be blown away by a strong gust of wind. She's different for all the right reasons.  Oh, and this should go without saying, but let's take a moment to appreciate the configuration of her adorable face on her va va voom curves. She does an incredible job representing the curvy ladies out there, doesn't she? (Myself excluded; I can put cardboard to shame).   

And now, for the Mecca of all girl crushes:

Park Bom

My love for this girl transcends both spoken words and earthly boundaries. She was my phone background for a solid six months - that's half a year (that's when you know sh*t just got real). Park Bom has this otherworldly type of beauty about her that can get you to sit there staring like a bubbly idiot for an extensive stretch of time. Sure, she has some plastically enhancements, but if we're really going to go there, tell me, who isn't? Let's digest the perfection of this bewitching creature in bits and pieces: Voice - consistently sends shivers down my spine and sets goosebumps atop my goosebumps. Hair - that ever-changing, colored mane is magical; I'm convinced. Skin - that, too, is magical. The skin on her face looks like a baby's ass... so smooth, so faultless, so cherubic. Legs - need I elaborate further? She's breathtaking in every way and I would sincerely throw myself in front of 2NE1's moving van just to get a glimpse of this goddess. You think I'm kidding - I wish I were. 

Well there's that! Out of curiosity, who are some of your top-tier girl crushes and why? 

  1. 2NE1
  2. Park Bom
  3. After School
  4. Nana
  5. Brown Eyed Girls
  6. Ga In
  8. Hyosung
  10. Bora
  11. Girls' Generation
  12. Seohyun
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