The first episode of 'Global We Got Married' aired on MBC Every1 and a compacted version was also uploaded on the official YouTube channel of the program.
Many fans have been eagerly waiting for the series featuring the Taecyeon-Gui Gui and the Hongki-Fujii Mina couples since they were confirmed in February.
The pilot episode featured the first meetings of the two couples.
Taecyeon met Emma Wu (Gui Gui) at a beauty salon in Gangnam and they both communicated in English. Things got off to a funny start when the staff members asked Gui Gui who her favorite 2PM member was and she replied, "Nichkhun's face and Taecyeon's body". They also went to a ski resort where they had some fun skiing.
Fujii Mina first sent Hongki hints about her by taking pictures of her eyes and then her lips. Hongki tried to piece the photos together, but then realized it looked weird because he had no nose for her. When they finally met at a salon in Seoul, they were awkward at first but got to quickly know each other, including the fact that she was 2 years older than him. He even prepared a cute letter written on the back of a puzzle for her, and she impressed easily with her fluent Korean.
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1st episode of 'Global We Got Married' features first meeting of Taecyeon-Gui Gui & Hongki-Fujii Mina
Monday, April 8, 2013
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