To celebrate 'The Oscars' which aired this past Sunday, 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' introduced a parody of one of the biggest winners of the awards ceremony, 'Life of Pi', with a "sequel" entitled 'Life of Psy', a life which doesn't end too well at that.
The 'Life of Pi' "sequel" shows Psy as the protagonist stranded at sea with just two things, a tiger and a boombox which only plays his hit song "Gangnam Style". Although some K-pop fans found the video to be offensive to Psy's success, Psy, himself, gave his stamp of approval as he retweeted the link to the video.
Check it out!
Tip: nicknacknob
'Jimmy Kimmel Live' introduces 'Life of Psy', the "sequel" to 'Life of Pi'
Posted by 88 pts Wednesday, February 27, 2013
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