Comedian Jo Hye Ryun, who took a hiatus from the industry following her divorce, is set to make a guest appearance on SBS's 'Healing Camp'.
Jo Hye Ryun is said to be participating in the recording taking place on November 7th. This broadcast will also feature Lee Yoon Ji, who is filling in for 'Healing Camp's female MC Han Hye Jin for a day.
The comedian will reveal her thoughts following her divorce for the first time, increasing viewers' anticipation for this episode.
Jo Hye Ryun recently made her comeback through SBS' 'Laws of the Jungle W' after a six month hiatus, and is currently planning on rejoining the fixed guest line-up on 'Quiz That Changes The World'.
Source + image: Segye Ilbo via Nate
Comedian Jo Hye Ryun to make a guest appearance on 'Healing Camp'
Posted by 88 pts Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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