Singer Kim Jang Hoon and Psy have resolved their differences once more after the recent conflicts.
As reported earlier, Kim Jang Hoon has previously posted depressing messages onto his me2day that were later revealed to have been directed towards Psy. Soon after, Go Hee Jung accused Psy of plagiarizing Kim Jang Hoon and Psy's previous joint concerts. The result was an intense backlash toward Kim Jang Hoon who decided to leave Korea and postpone his upcoming album to calm his heart and focus on promotions overseas.
Even though he had not said Psy's name, specifically, it had been quite apparent that the two were going through some unresolved issues. This is not the first time the two have had a rough patch in their relationship as they had come into conflict before but made up again with time. However, the issue seemed to be a more serious this time around, especially with the nation backing up Psy with the rise of his international fame and the media shedding more spotlight on the issue than previous years.
However, the drama has come to an end once again for Kim Jang Hoon and Psy have made up. Kim Jang Hoon paid Psy a surprise visit at an event that Psy attended on the 10th. He told Psy, "I came because I didn't think we'd be able to make up otherwise." He apologized publicly for all the misunderstandings, and Psy also apologized for all the worries he had caused and the two took a 'love shot' of soju before embracing one another. It was a heartwarming scene for the fans of both singers as the two had been very close friends in the past.
Kim Jang Hoon's manager said, "It was not at all planned. Kim Jang Hoon had been having a hard time because of rumors of their relationship, and he decided to set everything right before it became worse." Psy's management also said, "The two always fight and make up, but this time it became worse with things blowing up in the media. After their public make up, they talked to each other for a long time in the waiting room to clear up any misunderstandings they had."
Kim Jang Hoon and Psy mend their relationship
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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