The long-running band and legend in the music industry, Boohwal, is slated to make their first comeback in 3 years with their 13th album, titled 'Purple Wave'.
Speaking at a press conference on the 7th, Kim Tae Won, Boohwal's leader, spoke about their impending release. "In these times, releasing a full album is suicidal. But we felt differently," he said. "A lot of money is required for a full album. For artists, they become more creative the more financially stable they get."
"The reason why Boohwal was able to come this far is because of our fans," he continued, thanking their longtime supporters. "It is because of them we are able to release our 13th album."
The selected tracks include "It's Cold", a rock ballad about one-sided love, "Return Innocence", a song that harkens back to their debut days, and "Head Up", which deals with society's problems such as bullying.
"This is the most energy I've put into a work in my eight years of being with Boohwal," said Jung Dong Ha, the vocalist. The 13th album will contain 11 different tracks and will be released online on June 8th and offline on the 14th.
Source: Munhwa
Boohwal set to release their 13th album

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