Official Synopsis: A prince from the Chosun era, Yi Gak (JYJ's Yoochun), along with his entourage, which includes Song Man Bo (Lee Min Ho), Do Chi San (Choi Woo Shik) and Woo Young Sul (Jung Seok Won), are catapulted 300 years into the future. As he attempts to investigate the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the princess he loved, he unexpectedly finds himself in the city of Seoul in the year 2012, where he comes across a woman who looks exactly like his beloved crown princess…
Ratings: KBS's 'Equator Man' was able to keep its first place position with a high of 13% rating, widening the gap a bit between the two other dramas. SBS's 'Rooftop Prince' was able to keep its second place with a respectable 12% rating, while MBC's 'The King 2 Hearts' fell back a little in its ratings with a 10.5%. 'Rooftop Prince' broadcast additional episodes due to the elections a few weeks ago, achieving a 10.4% rating for the following episode. While 'Equator Man' has finally achieved its spot at the top, we'll have to see how well it'll keep its position.
Recap of Ep. 9: After Grandmother declares that she saw 'Tae Young' and Park Ha together, Yi Gak confesses that he liked Park Ha, protecting her from Grandmother's wrath. Explaining to his grandmother, he declares his love for Park Ha and confesses that she was the reason he had wanted to stay in the same house as her. After Yi Gak endures spending the whole night on his knees to ask for forgiveness, and asking her to allow him and Park Ha to continue living together as well as for Park Ha to continue working at the company, Grandmother finally consents after being reassured that Yi Gak has no plans to marry Park Ha.
While Park Ha and Yi Gak return to the company happily, the three courtiers notice a surprising sight. After scaring Park Ha's eager blind date, who came to congratulate her on her birthday with a cake, the three boys began to work on creating the most lavish celebration for her birthday. They bake a tall cake, in addition to going to Lady Mimi and Becky for tidbits on birthday celebrations in 2012 Korea. Meanwhile, Se Na (Jung Yumi) finally meets her rival in Tae Mu's father, who tells her outright that he wants her to leave the company quietly and to step out of Tae Mu's life. She surprisingly agrees, only to blackmail Tae Mu's father that she could reveal all the backstabbing secrets Tae Mu and his father are planning against Tae Young's grandmother, the chairman.
After Se Na and Yi Gak return from squash practice together, Yi Gak invites her into his house, making Park Ha jealous. Yi Gak hands her the handkerchief with the butterfly sewn into it, telling her to be careful of it. However, Park Ha drops it, allowing Se Na to take it home and leaving Yi Gak furious. Park Ha vows to find it, only to realize the difficulty of it as she is faced with a mountain of clothes. She returns home downtrodden and sick, softening Yi Gak's anger. While Park Ha recovers, Yi Gak buys a hair accessory for her and writes a note telling her to meet him at the Han River at 7. However, an angry Se Na, who believes that Park Ha had told Tae Mu's father about her poor family, discovers the note and meets up with Yi Gak first. When Park Ha comes a little bit afterwards, she catches sight of Se Na hugging Yi Gak and confessing that she had fallen for him.
Recap of Ep. 10 Although heartbroken, Park Ha puts on a cheerful exterior as she plays a game of basketball with the three courtiers, and is later joined by Yi Gak. After Park Ha successfully wins the game and punches Yi Gak in the stomach, the entourage and Park Ha return home to celebrate her birthday, but Yi Gak does not give his present to her. As Tae Mu's father threatens Se Na more, Se Na decides to make her next move on Yi Gak by joining his company team.
To prove Yi Gak's resourcefulness in the company, Grandmother sets Yi Gak on a task to promote a product. Yi Gak and Se Na become closer as they work to promote the product. In the meantime, Park Ha joins the three men out on a dinner as they treat her with their newly earned salary. The three men and Park Ha get closer as they talk about their time in the Chosun era, and their inevitable return to the past. Man Bo relays to Park Ha the reincarnation tale and how Secretary Hong, Se Na, is the reincarnation of the dead princess Yi Gak is married to. Confused about her own feelings with Yi Gak, Park Ha becomes even more distant with him.
While the three men prepare a BBQ for Se Na, Park Ha decides to take a bike ride instead after hearing that her stepsister was coming. Yi Gak, worried about her whereabouts, leaves the preparations and searches for her. Upon meeting her, he complains to her how much she keeps intruding upon his thoughts and how he keeps thinking about her (but really, we all know that he loooves her). Yi Gak tells her he won't care about her anymore and leaves Park Ha brooding over her feelings and sending a text confessing her love for him. Belatedly she realizes she hadn't meant to send the text and tries to erase it, but to no avail. When Yi Gak returns to discuss the issue more, she tries to erase the text from his cellphone and hide it underground. However, a dog discovers it, and while Yi Gak is reading the text, Park Ha escapes. However, he appears in front of her path on his bike a few moments later.
kdramacrazy's Thoughts:
[Note : This post reflects the opinions of the author, and not necessarily those of allkpop.]
First of all, I wanted to thank the writers for leaving us at episode 10's cliffhanger with the blooming of Yi Gak-Park Ha loveline, rather than having my anger boil over with Se Na. In addition, I appreciate how the loveline is progressing, with Yi Gak giving his quasi-love confession, while Park Ha does the same but in a more direct form. I hope, and I suspect, that the writers are not going to go backwards in having Park Ha reject her confession. Because if she is, then Yi Gak and the viewers would question why she had put up all that fuss in trying to hide the cellphone. While this confession might have cost some of our cute lovely moments between the couple in the immediate following episodes, it might be enough of a push for Yi Gak to tread towards Park Ha, because we can totally see he's falling for her. Let's hope Yi Gak discovers Se Na's ugly nature.
I also like how the side characters are developing, especially the Chosun trio. While the three have been established as the comical characters, the clowns, they're given character and emotional depth with their painful pasts. In addition, I love how these boys are able to substitute, even for a little bit, the vacant position left by Yi Gak. While most female protagonists spend their heartbroken moments drinking, wandering around like a ghost, crying, making viewers want to shake some sense into the girl, I love how cheerful Park Ha is or at least she is able to proceed in life with energy. And the boys' role in creating the happiness for her is invaluable.
And can I say thank you for hitting two birds with one stone? While I cannot stand either slimy Tae Mu's father or bitchy Se Na, seeing the two go at each other is finally a gratifying moment. Two evil forces going against each other with equal evilness and power. Now just waiting for the moment for the two to knock each other out of the drama.
allkpop TV Guide: Rooftop Prince Ep. 9-10
Posted by 1 pt Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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