Following the leave of MC Lee Seung Gi, SBS' hit variety program 'Strong Heart' is expected to undergo some various changes. Not only will there be new MCs, the content of the show may be changed, as well as the program's logo itself.
'Strong Heart' PD Park Sang Hyuk informed MyDaily on March 8th, "We have been contacting several actors and entertainers, trying to find a successor for MC Lee Seung Gi. Nothing is set in stone as of yet. We are still fine-tuning the details, and have decided that we will have two MCs."
"There are a number of celebrities we are making proposals to, but because 'Strong Heart' is the only talk show with two male MCs, we would like to keep that format," he continued.
"We want to recruit two people who have good chemistry, similar to that of Kang Ho Dong and Lee Seung Gi. That way, it'll be more enjoyable for the viewers as well," they added. "And because 'Strong Heart' is all about telling stories, we would like MCs who show a lot of interest when others are speaking."
PD Park continued, "The content of the show may also change depending on the style of the MCs. We may also reduce the number of 20 guests that appear on each episode, as well as change the fixed panel members. We will keep the program name as 'Strong Heart', but the logo is expected to change. Depending on the new MCs, there are a number of changes that will most likely take place."
Lee Seung Gi who is serving as the current MC for 'Strong Heart' after his last shoot on March 15th.
Source & Image : MyDaily
'Strong Heart' to undergo changes following MC Lee Seung Gi's leave
Posted by 22 pts Friday, March 9, 2012
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