Yoo Jae Suk's doppelganger comedian Jung Bum Kyun recently shared a hilarious photo. The comedian shared the photo above via his personal blog and wrote, "Whose mother does she look like?" The photo is a snapshot of Yoo Jae Suk, Jung Bum Kyun, and Jung's mother. The photo garnered much attention as the three of them highly resembled one another. Jung Bum Kyun is already known to look like MC Yoo's twin, but he also has a strong resemblance to his mother, who could also pass for MC Yoo's mother as well. "I feel like my mom's been stolen from me!", Jung Bum Kyun continued to write. Netizens could not hold back their laughter as they wrote, "Which is Yoo Jae Suk?", "Wow, you guys really do look a lot alike", "How do you all...", "You guys look like one family", "One mother with her two sons", "Are you sure you guys aren't twins?", and more. In related news, Jung Bum Kyun is serving as an assistant MC on KBS 2TV's 'Happy Sunday Season 3'. Source & Image: Newsen via Nate
Yoo Jae Suk's doppelganger Jung Bum Kyun shares a 'family' photo
Posted by 22 pts Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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