Big Bang's rapper, T.O.P and veteran singer, Kim Tae Won were recently spotted wearing the same jacket. On December 24th, Kim Tae Won wore a stylish red-and-black jacket at the 2011 KBS 'Entertainment Awards' ceremony. The jacket was the very same one worn by T.O.P. when he performed on Mnet back in March. However, netizens were amazed at how different the two celebrities looked despite wearing the same jacket. Kim Tae Won emphasized his rocker style by wearing leather pants and a fitted black shirt. He accessorized with chrome aviators as well as an elaborate silver pendant and chain. The red and black jacket added a splash of color, while heightening the look of a cool musician. T.O.P., on the other hand, lived up to his reputation as the trendy, yet masculine idol as he wore the jacket with ease. The pattern can be overwhelming, but thanks to T.O.P.'s clean cut look and silver hair, it blends in perfectly with his style. This may be an extremely easy question to answer by some, but just in case -- Who do you think wore it better: T.O.P or Kim Tae Won? Source + Photos: Osen
Who wore it better: Big Bang's T.O.P or Kim Tae Won?
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, January 7, 2012
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