Photos of girl group Dal Shabet's maknae Subin and Big Bang's G-Dragon are causing quite the stir amongst netizens. On December 19th, the photo above surfaced on an online community site with the caption, "What kind of relationship do Subin & G-Dragon have?" In the photo, Subin is dressed in a violet off-the-shoulder dress and is displaying her mature feminine appeal. The two look to be close, as she has her hand casually resting on G-Dragon's shoulder, sitting in front of a casino table. The photo was actually a screen capture from Taeyang's "I Need A Girl" MV, and Subin who was working as a model back then was featured in the video with a few other models. Netizens who saw the photos left their comments such as, "She was only 17 back then; she looks really mature", "There are a lot of girls surrounding him, but Subin definitely stands out", "and I guess they don't call her 'giant baby' for nothing". In related news, Subin and the rest of the Dal Shabet girls will be returning with a new album in January. Source & Image: IlganSports via Nate
Dal Shabet's Subin spotted in Taeyang's "I Need A Girl" MV
Posted by 22 pts Monday, December 19, 2011
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