On December 12th, Dal Shabet held a production conference at Cafe Bene for their latest 'Star Pictorial' photoshoot, dressed in stylish outfits as sweet as the pictorial itself. The girls recently took off for Cebu, Philippines to use the lush natural scenery as the backdrop to their pictorial. From cute and fresh to lovely and sexy, the six members put on a wide array of looks that brought out new charms, different from their restricted stage concepts. While Subin, Viki, and Ga Eun emphasized their natural beauty, Serri donned a red bikini for a mysterious look while Jiyul and Ahyoung transformed into sexy cat girls. Producers stated, "Despite the photoshoot taking place outside in the sweltering heat, the members maintained their positive, upbeat energy throughout the shoot." Check out photos from both the pictorial and the production conference below! [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="4"] Source: Newsen Photos: As tagged
Dal Shabet holds press conference for latest pictorial in Cebu
Posted by 42 pts Monday, December 12, 2011
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