Actor Song Joong Ki has snatched up hearts with his explosive aegyo. On November 7th's broadcast of KBS 2TV's 'Gag Concert', Song Joong Ki guested as comedian Shin Bora's younger boyfriend. The actor pretended to be an adorable boyfriend who gets bossed around by his noona girlfriend. When Shin Bora told Song Joong Ki, "When you leave, take a taxi," she handed him some money, inspiring Song Joong Ki to lean over and kiss her on the cheek. Excited, Shin Bora added, "Take the best ride and go," while taking out even more money. Song Joong Ki replied with another kiss on the cheek. He kept up the aegyo act with cute sayings like, "Noona, I'm hungry", and even whipped out the popular "Bbooing, Bbooing" expression from MBC's 'High Kick 3'. Song Joong Ki's skit was a big hit with the audience, but it's also being reported that after the recording of the show, the actor ordered chicken for all 100 comedians and staff members on set. Source: Newsen via Nate
Song Joong Ki acts out an 'aegyo kiss' skit with Shin Bora for Gag Concert
Posted by 11 pts Monday, November 7, 2011
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