On November 9th, a female college student named Shim Hyun Jung (21) participated on Mnet's 'Serenade Operations' to recapture the heart of her ex-boyfriend. She surprised the audience with her tall figure (172 cm) and her striking resemblance to Kara's Goo Hara. Singer Kim Jin Pyo ,who guested on the show confessed, "She's a person you can't help but stare at because of her pretty looks... What kind of man would dump a woman like this?" With the help of professional musicians and dancers, Shim Hyun Jung prepared a performance of SISTAR19's "Ma Boy". She impressed the audience with her singing and dancing skills, and her performance was labeled as the sexiest serenade to have come out of 'Serenade Operations' so far. Mnet's 'Serenade Operations' is a variety show where selected applicants put on the perfect serenade (with the help of experts in the fields of music and dancing), in hopes of conveying their love for someone special in their lives. Source + Photo: mtstarnews via Naver
Goo Hara doppelganger impresses on Mnet's 'Serenade Operations'
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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