Actor Uhm Tae Woong and Jung Ryeo Won stunned fans with their wedding picture. On October 16th, Uhm Tae Woong tweeted, "We Got Married", and attached the picture above. In the picture, Jung Ryeo Won and Uhm Tae Woong beam for the camera in their wedding attire, looking every bit like a happily married couple. If you're wondering when they ever got engaged, this picture was actually for their upcoming movie, 'Never Ending Story'. Netizens commented, "I thought that they were actually on the show 'We Got Married'", "I thought they actually got MARRIED", and "They really look good together... Hmm..." 'Never Ending Story' tells the tale of a terminally ill man and a woman, who fall in love with one another. Source & Photo: Naver
Uhm Tae Woong and Jung Ryeo Won reveal their "wedding photo"
Posted by 1 pt Monday, October 17, 2011
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