Actress Kim Ah Joong, who recently came under fire for tax evasion, has opened up about the matter through her personal Twitter. On October 2nd, the actress tweeted, "Life is not a novel story where everything is planned out beforehand, organized, and neatly constructed." This statement was taken from a famous novel by Gong Ji Young called "Mackerel". Kim Ah Joong was investigated by the Korean Internal Revenue Service, and was penalized with a 6-digit fine for evading her taxes. The actress put a hold on all her activities, and has been relatively quiet. She made a tweet back in September apologizing to her fans, and this recent message was her first in a month. Netizens expressed their joy as they commented, "I'm so happy to know that you're alive! ^_^", "You've returned! I've missed you so much T_T", and "Don't give up, fighting!" Source + Photos: mydaily via Naver
Kim Ah Joong breaks long silence after tax evasion scandal
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, October 4, 2011
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