Veteran actress Jun Won Joo confessed that she got botox injections done. On October 8th's episode of MBC's 'Quiz To Change The World', Jun Won Joo made an appearance with her daughter-in-law Kim Hae Hyun. During the show, the MCs stared at Jun Won Joo's face suspiciously and whispered, "It seems like something changed." Jun Won Joo light-heartedly responded, "I got a botox injection", and then showed a stiff, awkward smile, causing everyone to laugh out loud. She continued, "I too wanted to get plastic surgery like Sun Woo Yong Nyeo, but I decided to just live as what I was. In doing so, I felt much more emotionally comfortable." Source: Naver
Jun Won Joo admits she got botox injections on 'Quiz To Change The World'
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, October 8, 2011
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