Former Sugar member Ayumi recently revealed her daily activities via her Twitter page. In the photos, Ayumi looks much more mature than when she was active in Korea as an idol star. Her look has matured enough that she may be unrecognizable to Korean fans who are accustomed to the cute & bubbly Ayumi from Sugar, but she looks beautiful all the same. The photos are snapshots of Ayumi's daily life, and they captured her doing things like running on the treadmill, working, and posing for the camera while rocking a pair of shades. Her feminine appeal is showcased in all of the various photos. Ayumi showed off a much slimmer figure, and her weight loss highlighted her V-line chin as well as her doll-like features. In 2009, under a new stage name of Iconiq she made her official foray into the Japanese entertainment industry. She recently revealed her honest feelings that she wanted to return to Korea's entertainment industry. When a netizen commented, "I wish you would come back to Korea", Ayumi responded with, "Thank you. When given the opportunity, I would like to as well ^^ (Me too) I want to see you all again." Source & Image : FinancialNews via Nate
Former Sugar member Ayumi wants to return to Korea
Posted by 22 pts Monday, October 10, 2011
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